Yes, The Cosmetic Channel™ launched on time... actually, we launched it early on September 14. Reviews have been excellent and I think we hit our mark on delivering video content like no one has ever seen for the cosmetic market.
You can visit these sites to see The Cosmetic Channel™. They are part of a group of about 30 practices that joined us in our soft launch. Just click the buttons labeled The Cosmetic Channel™ on any of these sites to see a variety of shows.
For Cosmetic Dentists:http://www.LoveYourNewSmile.comhttp://www.aNewYorkSmile.comFor Cosmetic Surgeons:http://www.tulsasurgicalarts.comhttp://www.metropolitanmds.comSo, the presale is over and the full pricing structure has taken effect. You can see your choices for shows and episodes here:
http://www.dogstarmediapreview/thecosmeticchannel/surgeonsubscription.pdfI hope that the many of you who were waiting on seeing the video and how it works will consider signing up for Season 1. Regardless of when you start, you will start with the first shows of the 12-month Season 1.
The Cosmetic Channel™ adds fresh, topical video to your web site each month. The immediate improvements we are planning are custom colors for the buttons for subscriber web sites and a roll-over-to-play 10-second opening video. Episodes begin changing next month, meaning your web visitors will get the chance to see more, new content with each visit.
How does this benefit you?For those of you who may be questioning the value of excellent content on your web site, consider the amount of time people spend on your site is time they are not spending on competitor sites. Also, consider what brings people back to your site? The same way, I recall you to my blog each week with the promise of new content and ideas for your benefit, The Cosmetic Channel™ will do the same for your site. It will even be more effective when combined with email marketing.
When the content, in this case video, is new, fresh and informative, it recalls web visitors to your site. It also causes people to refer the site, passing the link along.
Not everyone can afford to make improvements to their site on this scale on an ongoing and timely basis. That is why Web Service is becoming a major part on the next big wave of Internet trends. Web Services allow you to subscribe to content providers for new, fresh, timely content for your site. Usually, this is text. The Cosmetic Channel™ provides your content in video. Thus, The Cosmetic Channel™ is a web video service… and it is the first of its kind.
Dog Star Media has been building a video team of professionals who know how to make more than the talking head videos that are so common in cosmetic medical and dental services. We are filmmakers who know how to tell a story concisely in many different ways with many levels of impact. With degreed Radio, TV and Film graduates from three generations of video production, our team is uniquely qualified to make better video… that is what will make The Cosmetic Channel™ shows a unique draw for your web site. You heard it here first before someone tries to produce a knock-off. The battle on the Internet fast becoming about who can produce better video. Put your money on that.
In the coming months and years, the amount of fresh, timely, interesting content on web sites will separate the sheep from the goats on the web. The sheep will have the best content and the goats will be unchanging web sites. You can combat that now or later with The Cosmetic Channel™. It is the first way you have seen to make your web site more like a TV network in term of programming.
It is simply the most inexpensive and highest quality way to add great video content to your site on an on-going basis. The Cosmetic Channel™ subscriptions begin at $300/month. We can add it to any web site, even if DSM did not design it.
Now that you have seen it, why not sign up today?
And, of course, there is more coming…