When we design web sites for our clients, they always ask us to give them “the latest” in web design. But, what about the future of web design? In our business, that prompts the eternal questions about form following function.
We have reached the point on the web where content is everything. There is written content, graphics/animation and video content. (All of you who still are having SEO questions, pay attention.) All the market forces on the web are driving us into more of TV-mode on the Internet. Google will be rolling out searches that document more than just keyword text as a response to the market move toward video. ( See this article for some details http://www.itbusinessedge.com/blogs/emt/?p=133)
So, when it comes to the future of web design, we have to look at video as major player. We are going to have to design around it. Just think how much more video content is available on the web right now? Want to watch a full episode of Friday Night Lights? Click here to watch it online. Want to see... well almost anything? Click here for YouTube. And, if you need a laugh, try DotComedy.com.
And, if you have not watched my video on Internet Strategies, you can click here to see how business-to-business communications are moving to video on the web.
Other than video, what ways will we have to account for more content in future designs? We have friends who are in R+D at a major telecom company who debate the same question at their jobs. The answer is more, more and more specialized content for any one person. In other words, imagine a web page that you set up that allows you to access everything that interests or concerns you... even your favorite television channels. Several years from now, remember you heard it here first.
My site would have movie news and trailers, sports news, major news services and more. One way of accessing new content is using the widget format for web services. A web service provides content in small, headline-style bullets or images. You can see an example of how this works at yourminis.com. Any of you Apple users out there will immediately recognize this as your System X Dashboard, where you can program your personal widgets on your computer. I can tell you from using the Apple Dashboard, it is very convenient for always having your interests at your fingertips.
You can see how this will affect web design but there is a much bigger question here. On all of these video sites, you play the video on the site when you visit. For those of you who have video on your sites now, it only plays when people visit your site. What if... somehow video content and web services came together?
Next week, Dog Star Media will have a major announcement about web services and video. This ground-breaking new concept, designed for cosmetic surgeons and cosmetic dentists, will change your web content forever. For anyone who wants to come with us, we are going to jump you just far enough into the future of the web to make a huge improvement in your web strategies. Again, anyone who asks me (donald@dogstarmedia.com) can find out early.