The wait is over! Dog Star Media proudly presents a new, online video service that can vastly IMPROVE THE CONTENT OF YOUR WEB SITE WITH NEW VIDEO EACH MONTH. We have been hard at work for nearly six months developing and preparing to release this new objection-free offering for cosmetic surgeons and cosmetic dentists. The landing page is ready and it will be changing over the next few weeks as we continue to develop the launch site but you can go there now for a first look at
The Cosmetic Channel™ adds high quality, feature-style video to your web site. It offers separate programming for cosmetic surgeons and cosmetic dentists. You can see the first season’s programming options on the landing page. The video content is available on a very affordable subscription basis and a subscribing doctor or dentist will be able to pick and choose video content for the version of The Cosmetic Channel™ that plays on his/her individual web site.
Each show has six four-minute episodes that will be changed every two months for a year. When we change the video on, it will change the video content on subscribers’ web sites, assuring that new video is posted to subscriber sites each month. For instance, one show for cosmetic surgeons is About Face, a show about facial surgeries. Here is a description of the show:
About Face
This educational program features an overview of cosmetic surgical procedures for the face, head and neck. Shot in a feature style, each four-minute episode of About Face focuses on one specific procedure. Episodes include: Blephroplasty, Facelifts, Rhinoplasty, Otoplasty, Genioplasty and Cheek Augmentation.
Just like subscribing to cable or satellite television, you can pick and choose the show content for your web site at the time of subscription. Based on the amount of content you choose, prices are an affordable $300 or $400 per month for a full season. And, between now and our September 15 debut, early subscribers can get a full season’s subscription for $100 off the monthly price. Our goal is to end the early subscription period sometime in August when we launch the first shows on The Cosmetic Channel™. Once the first shows are broadcast on the web, the early subscription period will end.
The Cosmetic Channel™ broadcasts video on subscriber web sites in Flash. This means no media players are needed. In addition, we can add The Cosmetic Channel™ to any web site. If you have made the choice to design your web site with another web designer, we can still add The Cosmetic Channel™ to your site. We can add The Cosmetic Channel™ to any web site or we can show your current web host how to do it. So, all of you with sites from our competitors can add the superior content of The Cosmetic Channel™ to your sites, too.
The Cosmetic Channel™ was born in some internal discussions at Dog Star Media. Our team listed out several of the issues related to our clients when it came to web content. One issue is that everybody wants video but not everybody can afford it. Another issue is quality of message. Not everybody is the best at accepting real sales and marketing language in their marketing materials. Another issue is our clients’ desire to portray their practices as part of a bigger movement. In most cases, either part of the neuromuscular dentistry movement or the cosmetic surgery movement. Yet another issue is the ever-present search engine optimization (SEO) issue. And, of course, everybody wants the latest and greatest.
The Cosmetic Channel™ answers all of these issues. It is affordable at only a few hundred dollars per month in subscription. The videos are professionally designed by Dog Star Media and are hosted by professional on-camera talent. The medical and dental parts of the script will be proofed by doctors and dentists to ensure accuracy. The videos will present this material in a fun, educational and entertaining style. Special videos will be available for AACS members and LVI alumni describing the merits of those schools of thought and practice. For SEO, The Cosmetic Channel™ on a subscriber’s site will pull video content from the main site,, providing a high-quality, outside link to the site. This will help subscribers with the all-important linking elements of SEO. And, of course, this is the latest and the greatest for web content. What could be better than having new, relevant, educational and entertaining video that renews itself on your site?
Wow. The Cosmetic Channel™ is open for business. You can inquire about early subscription right now at or you can email me directly at We look forward to hooking you up to Beauty’s Home on The Internet.