For anyone who doubts whether the time is now for video on the web, I have three words for you: This is CNN.
Earlier this month, CNN unveiled its new web site. You get the latest news and video links at the top and all the news links that were previously in the main viewing area are at the bottom of the page... below the fold of the page. (That’s Internet-speak for anything below the first window depth... the term comes form a fold in a book or newspaper.)
A quick check of the major network’s news web sites shows that video is featured at least equally as news links you can read. These web sites, which get hundreds of thousands of hits each day, serve all kinds of web users. Yet, the medium they are choosing for their content is increasingly video-based. The news draws the broadest-based audience and these major corporations think we have passed the tipping point on video. They are not just saying it. Just look at their sites and you can see it.
In other words, video has gone prime time on the web.
This should answer a lot of questions about bandwidth and the market’s desire for video. Right before your eyes, the top communicators in the world are using the most engaging medium on the Internet. We are past the tipping point. You can only follow.
Now, the question is... When will you follow the trend into enhanced video content on your web site. The early adopters are already in the pool. Some of them risked early on... before the tipping point came and went... and now they are well in the lead in their markets when it comes to communicating about their services on the web.
We are still in the early adopter stage when it comes to video in the cosmetic dental and cosmetic surgical markets. How do I know this? Because people still wince a little at the price of adding quality video to a web site. When budget ceases to be a factor for most small businesses, the video explosion will be everywhere.
If you have been following my blog this summer, you will now see the confluence of several themes and thoughts. Yes, we are in the early adopter stage and Dog Star Media continues to get more and more orders for new Flash Video web sites. But, in general, most cosmetic dentists and cosmetic surgeons will wait to enhance their web sites for several reason. The desire for video is there but, in mass numbers, many will remain on pause, waiting for the right time.
So, ask yourself: If I could add great video to my web site easily, quickly and affordably, would I?
This is why Dog Star Media has developed The Cosmetic Channel™. For those mid- and late-adopters, we fashioned this excellent video add-on that works with any web site... even your old-time HMTL site, if necessary. Now every cosmetic dentist and cosmetic surgeon who desires video can have it at a very affordable price with a monthly subscription to The Cosmetic Channel™.
The early adopters will rework their web sites with Dog Star Media (or a lesser capable company working it the market :) ) and will likely add The Cosmetic Channel™ just to be on the leading edge. However, the rest of you who stay with the pack can have this valuable addition now, too. When it is released, you will see proven broadcasting principles at work in an all-new way on the Internet. It will be the marketing release of the year in cosmetic dentistry and cosmetic surgery... and you heard about it all summer right here.
We still are selling The Cosmetic Channel™ at early pre-sale prices. Sales have been brisk for 7 weeks and we are ahead of projected pre-sale goals. Momentum is building.
The Cosmetic Channel™ will debut on doctors’ web sites around the country on September 15. The early pre-sale price is $240/month. If the desire for video is there, why are you waiting? This product is designed to let you be a mid- or late-adopter and still get the benefit of excellent video on your web site.
If you are interested in signing up this week, please email me at
And, for those of you at IACA this week in Chicago and for those of you awaiting Dog Star Media’s release of the new AACS web site, remember where you are hearing this. There are several companies jumping on the pile when it comes to using video on the web. But there is only one company in both fields who is ahead of the pack in meeting your needs and desires with video. Look around. Is anyone else able to broadcast new video on YOUR web site each month? Anyone can do it on their own web site. The Cosmetic Channel™ will do it on YOUR web site. Before you buy anything this summer, I suggest you talk to me to get the big picture on web video. I am available any time.