The Technology Firm is one of our oldest clients, dating back to the early days of Dog Star Media. We are glad to bring their site up to date, complete with video commentary on their packages from the owner, Tony Raburn. You can see their new site at
Click on any of the services “Up” packages on the upper left to see the video commentary. This is a great example of how video can make a broad service application easier to understand on the web. There are some things that are just better when they are explained. Services, expectations and quality are in that group. It is possible to describe them in writing, but nothing quite beats hearing about it in real language from a credible source.
The Technology Firm offers technology-based operational and marketing services. What? Exactly. I can try to describe it all day but this not really a good medium for that detailed an explanation. And, summarizing in writing can be tricky. In a minute or two on each of the package pages, however, Tony can get to the benefits quickly and easily because he appears on video. It is such a superior method of communicating.
The bottom line is that the bar on the web has been raised. And, you have to ask yourself, what not only give me an image of difference, but what makes me clearly a better choice for consumers. If you are not speaking... in person... to your audience on your web site, about what you do, about how you do it, about what makes you different, about the difference in quality you offer, then you are not doing everything you can. This is an excellent example of how to use the right medium to convey the proper message. For all you cosmetic dentists and cosmetic surgeons out there, this is a HUGE point. If you want to discuss how to add this sort of upgrade to your web site or, better yet, build your site around this sort of medium, just email me at