Tuesday, December 8, 2009

So, who is working on their 2010 budget?

In all my December coaching meetings, I try to focus some time on budgeting for 2010. This is important because it is so easy to get tempted into trying and buying other things. Not to say that a certain amount of experimentation is bad. It just should be done under the proper conditions including tracking responses.

Some budgeting trends I noticed in 2009 were 1) a reduction of yellow pages advertising, 2) an increase in Pay Per Click/Pay for Performance services and 3) a reduction in print advertising. In general, the Recession was good for one thing, I think. It helped clients invigorate their desire to keep the develop the customers they have. This led to a greater emphasis on gathering emails for email marketing and it helped with an interest in social networking such as Facebook. Both of those methods of communication cost very little (in fact, Facebook can be free if you choose not to advertise).

Heading into 2010, it is clear that some people are ready to take the next step in online marketing. For most, this will be a step into a Banner advertising program that coordinates with your paid search. This year, we made some banners that included video. This makes them much more eyecatching and seem more important than a static JPG graphic. And, with companies like Reach Local (who we recommend for paid searches), your banner ad can be used for rebranding. Loosely translated, this forces a second and then repeated look at your ad on popular Internet sites (like MSN, Yahoo, Facebook, CNN, etc) onto people who have clicked through paid links to your web site. In otherwords, if someone clicks through one of your paid listings, then your banner ad follows them around the Internet, increasing the number of exposures they have to your brand. You may have noticed this happening when you use the Internet.... seeing the same ads seemingly everywhere. I notice it quite a bit when I am casually surfing.

If you are interested in a branding ad program with video ads, please let us know. Otherwise, as you plan your 2010 budget, I ask that you consider my coaching program for marketing guidance. It is a great program to make sure you are using the proper marketing, media and sales principles in your business. Coaching is only $300/month and it pays for itself in only a few months when wasteful spending is cut. Please email me at donald@dogstarmedia.com if you are interested.