Let’s start the year with the newest web site from Dog Star Media. Congratulations to David Hendrick, MD on the launch of his new HTML/Flash/Video web site. Actually, we made him three themes on the one web site for three different areas of his practice. You can see Salina Surgical Arts here, Heartland Cosmetic Surgery here and The Vein Clinic here.
This is a fantastic web site. Highly graphic, loads quickly, on Salina Surgical Arts it presents the doctor to the user immediately and will be easy to optimize due to how the HTML is used in the layout. This format is EXACTLY what we recommend. Throughout the site, you get to hear plenty from Dr. Hendrick, yet it is never too much.
It is 2010. You can have it all on the web. Just about everyone has the same priorities. Everyone wants to be found in search engines (so that means the site can be optimized). Everyone wants a highly aesthetic look and feel to their site. And, everyone wants to make the best first impression for the doctor on the site. It’s 2010... you can have it all on one web site. You just need to work with a web designer who helps you work all of your goals into the proper package. This is why we custom design every web site. We want to make the site work to meet your goals.
If you are ready to upgrade your web site, this would be a great year to do it. If you are interesting in discussion your web site needs, please contact me today at donald@dogstarmedia.com.
NOTE: Our phone number has changed. Our new number is 888-321-4004. Locally in Dallas, you can call us at 214-64-9180. Please change this in our contact information in your files.