We’d like to congratulate Martin Abelar, DDS on the launch of his new web site. This web site combines the aesthetics of a high end cosmetic dentistry web site (including video introductions by the doctor) and an HTML framework that is ideal for keyword optimization.
All Dog Star Media web sites are custom designs. However, there are certain principles that we build into each design if the client allows us. From a design point of view, we suggest a classic design heirarchy to keep visitors engaged. From an optimization point of view, we recommend a blend of design elements that allow us to make keyword changes that can be read by search engine spiders. From a sales point of view, nothing sells like video of the doctor talking and we highly recommend that. Video allows site visitors to hear the doctor, see his or her inflections and get a feel for his or her personality. These are all major advantages of video on a web site which can begin to build trust.
This new site includes all of these elements in a custom-built design specifically for Dr. Abelar’s desired look and feel. We can do this for you, too. If you are ready to energize and update your Internet strategy, please contact me at donald@dogstarmedia.com