We’d like to congratulate Dr. Mayli Davis on her new HTML/Flash web site. You can see it here at drmaylidavis.com. It’s a great blend of cosmetic surgery and ocular medicine and the look and feel connotes such a feminine touch. Good job, Dr. Davis.
Right now, there are a lot of web sites that are being redesigned. We are in the last few weeks of our Summer Special which offers 4 FREE minutes of web drop video ($4800 value) for any HTML/Flash web site like this one. The deadline to order your new web site in this special is August 31 and there has been a lot of interest.
It’s a Balancing Act
We are seeing an interesting swing back to the importance of design in the last several months. When things got tight about a year ago, everyone in the cosmetic surgery and dentistry markets seemed to put heavy emphasis on search placement and direct investments in traffic. For many it was necessary but, in the long run, it is causing an over-correction. As business is stabilized and new goals in sight, it seems there is a groundswell of interest in updating sites to make the look more competitive. This is great, too. But we are cautioning clients to try to maintain a balance this time and not do another over-correction. This time, let’s make great looking web sites that are highly competitive AND optimize AND convert new patients. This time let’s create a great balance of presentation and measurable strategies.
Tracking Numbers Half-Price
This is a great time of year to try our best measurement strategy. August is halfway through the billing year for tracking numbers which means they are half price ($240) due to the pro-rated cost schedule. The numbers renew at full price in February 2011 but you can try them until then for only $240/number. Tracking phone numbers are unique numbers that route directly to your number and can measure all details of your calls from a unique source, like a web site or an ad. This strategy is the best way to know who is calling and what is happening on those calls. It is the least expensive and most effective marketing measurement strategy we offer. If you are interested in trying our Tracking Number strategy at half the cost, please email me at donald@dogstarmedia.com.
If you are part of the wave that is redesigning and refocusing your web site, I highly suggest you take advantage of our Summer Special. Video is the most effective way of introducing the doctor to a broad audience and it is a great way to separate yourself from the competition. This is why we made it part of our Summer Special. If you want some brief comments on why video is so effective on cosmetic dental and medical web sites, just watch the first video on our web site, dogstarmedia.com. If you are interested in jumping on the Summer Special as we tick down the summer, please email me directly at donald@dogstarmedia.com.