A year ago, Google added mobile web site statistics to the Analytics dashboard. Since then we have watched mobile traffic stats steadily climb upward on nearly all of our client’s web statistics. This time last year, a few sites we watched had 3-5% mobile use. Now, its hard to find a site that is trafficked less than 5% on mobile devices. And, most sites we watch are having between 7-12% traffic. I even saw one hit about 15% recently.
Nobody knows where the ceiling is going to be on mobile use. Highly reputable tech companies are forecasting compounding growth in mobile Internet use for the next several years. All indications are that more and more people will be using mobile devices for more and more Internet access. That is why we have seen a landrush of early adopters get some sort of mobile web sites this year.
A year from now, we will be talking about 20-25% site visits from mobile users. Right now we have some clients who have hundreds of mobile users visit their web sites each month. The period for early adoption is over. We are in the middle of the bell curve and if your site doesn’t fully show or show well on mobile devices, your Internet strategy is leaking.
There are four weeks left in the year. Why not say you are going into 2011 ready for all the mobile users. Dog Star Media makes mobile sites affordable and easy to get launched. No additional servers are needed, only a specially developed site that works best on mobile devices. If you have video, we can make it play on your mobile site where it will not play on your standard web site. Dog Star mobile sites start at $1000 for a 7-page starter site. Those 7 pages are the most important pages from your standard site, reformatted for best presentation on mobile devices.
Here is a great test. Just look up your web site on a mobile device. If you have to size it, scroll all over to get it to display all your content, can’t see your Flash, can’t see your video or have to wait forever for your graphics to load on your phone, just know, that is how everyone looking on mobile devices is seeing your site. You are probably paying for those visits somehow and every bad visit is marketing money wasted.
We want to encourage all our clients and prospects to make this your last important marketing purchase of 2010. Even if you do it in December, you can say your got your mobile site at the early stages of the mobile boom and that your 2011 Internet Strategy can be seen well by everyone. To get your mobile web site, please email me at donald@dogstarmedia.com.