web site has been reinvented. We have created a FREE Cosmetic Doctor’s Directory as the primary function of The Cosmetic Channel. And, we have geared it to be powered by social networking traffic.
In the past few weeks more than 120 cosmetic surgeons and cosmetic dentists have signed up for this new FREE listing service. And, we are just getting started. These practices have created more than 200 listings, itemized by the procedures they perform. We strongly suggest you sign on and create a competitive profile.
The way we will use social networking to drive traffic and business through The Cosmetic Channel will be revealed step by step over the summer. Right now, focus on putting up a profile and being complete in the description of your practice and the services you provide. The first social networking element is obvious... all the videos link from YouTube. YouTube is one of the most popular social sites on the Internet. Being video based, it is very popular because it is so watchable. It has an enormous database of content, allows user comments and links well to external sites. If you have video on YouTube, link it to your profile on the It will immediately enhance your presentation compared to your competitors.
There is a Facebook and Twitter element to this program that will be released soon. In designing this new concept, we looked at all the other doctor directories out there and listed their flaws. All of those flaws have been eliminated from The Cosmetic Channel. Stay tuned.... the way cosmetic doctor directories work is changing and you are going to want to be on the The Cosmetic Channel!
To create a profile, just click here to start.