Mobile sites are on my mind this week as we are launching two new smart phone sites and two new iPad sites this week. As expected, the use of mobile devices for surfing the Internet has increased greatly this year. Most of our clients are well over the 10% traffic mark and the ones with the strongest mobile traffic are up over 20%. When we started to measure this trend, I anticipated that the trend might top out at 25%. But it did not take long for some to get over 20% so the subject needs a little re-examination now and then until it settles.
Clearly the iPhone is the leading source of mobile visits among our clients. In nearly every case, the iPhone is the #1 source of mobile visits. In general, the degree to which the iPhone is #1 is shrinking however. In many cases, the iPad has risen to a strong #2 ranking. This trend began in the spring with the release of the iPad2. However, in general specific terms, the increased use of the iPad does not account for the volume increase mobile use. Across the board, mobile use is up on our clients’ Analytics.
For the first time there are conversations about full site design for smart phones and iPads. When we were at the 5% mark and clients began adding small versions of their sites for smart phones, most of those sites were 7 pages. The most important 7 pages of content were chosen for these starter sites. When clients passed the 10% mark, most added another 5 pages of content. With the emergence of the iPad sites, with their more graphical look, the 12-pages mobile site became the standard. Now as 25% nears, especially with the full graphics capability of the iPad designs, the talk has turned to the design of full web sites for mobile users.
I think 25% is the jumping-in point for this. You are definitely taking a risk in presentation when you are not making a full presentation to 1 of every 4 web visitors. And, another reason why 25% seems like a good buy-in for a full mobile and iPad site is that now it seems like that will be another milestone on the way to the ultimate plateau for mobile use.
Given the forecasts on mobile use for the next 3-4 years by the big tech companies, it now does not seem out of the question for mobile use of your site to be in the 30% range or even more in the next year. If you want to get out ahead of this and are ready to put up a full site for your smart phone or iPad visitors, please let me know at