Just reporting in on a trend we are seeing rising up. It seems every September there is a consistent item that is requested from us and this year... it’s video. We have had more video requests come in over the past few weeks than we have in the last six months.
For cosmetic surgery and dentistry sites, video can be the best way to create an image of difference. I was explaining to a prospective client just yesterday that elective medicine comes down to trust. Does the patient trust the doctor to perform the procedure? A lot of factors go into trust, ranging from first impression to the subjective evaluation of your mannerisms. Traditionally, the patient does not meet the doctor until the end of the process, in the consult room. Thanks to video and the web, cosmetic doctors and dentist can get a jump on this process by speaking to prospective patients directly with video on their web site. Most doctors who have this “web drop” style of video (a Dog Star Media specialty), report that patients say they feel like they know them already when they meet in a consult. This is because they have seen video that was prepared just for a first greeting and web site welcome. All in all, the web drop gives you advantages over competitors who just have flat pictures.
Here are some great examples of web drop video:
If you are interested in learning about how to add web drop video to your web site to begin building trust as early as possible with prospective patients, please email me today at donald@dogstarmedia.com.