Cosmetic Surgeons attending the American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery Annual Scientific Meeting (January 17-20) will be on site for a major product debut by Dog Star Media’s commercial media arm, The Cosmetic Channel™. It will be the first time that samples of our Post-Surgical Recovery DVD series will be available for full viewing. You can relax and watch these DVDs in our specially-designed Dog Star Media viewing booth in the exhibit hall. You can even enjoy samples of the healthy snacks that are featured in the DVD while you watch.
The series debuts with our first two titles: Liposuction and a Healthy Lifestyle and Cosmetic Breast Surgery and a Healthy Lifestyle.
These DVDs are designed to help patients remain focused on health and fitness that is appropriate for the stages of recovery from these surgeries. Hosted by Fitness Expert Jennifer Jens (host of 110% on The Cosmetic Channel™), this series is the ideal take-home health and fitness partner to liposuction or cosmetic breast surgery. And, the DVDs are priced low enough to give you the option to either give them to patients or mark them up for a modest profit.
More information and some preview clips from the DVDs will be coming soon on my blog between now and January. Please let me know if you are interested in getting on the early release list so you can supply this excellent supplement to surgery to your patients.