With the annual AACS meeting right around the corner, Dog Star Media is planning a major product release: Health & Fitness Recovery DVDs for liposuction and breast surgery patients. But you may already know that. What you don't know are the details we finalized this week.
Now that we are nearing our mid-January delivery date, we are ready to take pre-orders. Here are some important points for you to know about the DVDs.
At the AACS annual scientific meeting in Orlando next month, we will be releasing two DVDs from this series: Liposuction and a Healthy Lifestyle and Cosmetic Breast Surgery and a Healthy Lifestyle. You can get on the list to have your DVDs immediately after the meeting by participating in the pre-sale between now and January 3.
The DVD series is a health & fitness approach to recovery from surgery hosted by a degreed, professional fitness expert. Script and content have been approved by experienced surgeons to ensure accuracy and value. Approaching recovery in stages, the DVD assists patients to recover through the first year of recovery and beyond.
The DVD retails at $30 and is sold in packages of 10. The DVD is packaged in a full size DVD like you see with commercial movie releases, not like a CD-ROM. Sales tax applies Texas clients. You can add the DVD to your recovery instructions or you can chose to resell the DVD to patients. The recommended retail is $45.
For those interested in using the DVD as a powerful marketing tool for their practice, we offer a low cost, low commitment program to customize your DVDs. For a commitment of as few as 10 DVDs, we are able to customize the packaging of your DVD with your photo on the front of the DVD, customize the entire back packaging and customize the silkscreen on the DVD itself for a one-time customization charge of $1600. (This fee is for one series of DVDs, customizing the packaging of the liposuction and breast DVDs means two customizations).
And, you are not limited to your initial order. You can continue to order 10 at a time or as many as you need each month and still get your customized DVD for your practice. It is a great deal that limits your initial financial commitment and offers the best, customized, quality video for a one-time cost. This is another Dog Star Media first that we are proud to introduce to the cosmetic surgery market.
In the next few weeks, I will be giving more details about both DVD products including a preview of the liposuction recovery DVD in the next two weeks. Pre-sale clients will get their DVDs before anyone else.
If you are interested in getting on the early pre-sale list for either or both of the cosmetic breast surgery or liposuction recovery DVDs, please email me at donald@dogstarmedia.com. To summarize, the customization is $1600 per DVD series and the minimum January order is 10 DVDs or $300. So, for less than $2000, you can have this excellent patient education and marketing tool first before anyone else. I hope you will sign up for the early pre-sale.