Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Improve your marketing odds by 10X

That's right. There is a way to improve your odds by understanding a simple principle. Most marketing authorities will agree that it is 10 times easier to get new business from or through an existing customer or patient. Or another way of looking at it is: It is 10 times harder make a go out and find a new customer or patient than to improve the value of an existing relationship.

This is the basis of some pretty sophisticated database marketing techniques which are generally known as One-to-One Marketing. And, for cosmetic dentists and cosmetic surgeons, it should be on page one of your marketing strategy.

Last week, I announced an incentive for our in-office looping DVDs. We offer numerous shows on cosmetic breast surgeries, body surgeries, facial surgeries and cosmetic dentistry that we are making into customized DVDs for our clients. Each DVD runs at a minimum of 24 minutes and we are offering special incentives which will customize the DVD for your practice.

Playing these videos in your reception area will promote additional services to people who are already in your office or clinic. It is a way to turn a one-time surgery patient into a regular visitor for injectables. It is a way to turn a Botox patient into a facial surgery patient. It is a way to get a hygiene dental patient asking questions about cosmetic dentistry. And, it is a way to get all of them thinking about procedures for people they may know.

If you are receiving this email, we have a DVD loop that fits your practice. Please take me up on our offer for June and July sales. Order your DVD in June or July and we will customize your DVD with between-show bumpers at no additional cost. If you want more information, email me at donald@dogstarmedia.com