I love our call tracking service. It is so accurate in measuring and recording certain aspects of our clients’ marketing. For instance, I just had a call where call measuring helped a client determine that there are conversion issues from call to consultation. In the same call, we used the volume of calls from specific date to a specific date to determine if a media buy was more effective now that it had been designed differently.
There are so many good reasons to use tracking numbers for the client. For me, though, it really gives me some “Big Picture” analysis. For instance, looking at the September call numbers (a month with only a day and half left at this point), here are some trends I see.
Phones are ringing
With literally no increase in new numbers, the aggregate call volume on our clients’ numbers hit an annual high, currently standing at 1308 calls in September. That is up from the 1076 calls in August which was our first lull of the year. It resumes the upward trend we left off in July when the total call volume was 1173.
Monday is the new Tuesday
This month, Monday was the leading day the phone might ring with new business. An average of 70 calls were tracked across our client base on Mondays in September. Normally, Tuesday always wins but this month, Tuesday finished second with 68 calls each day on average.
3, 11 and 9
Why are these numbers important? The 3PM hour got the most calls this month. 11AM finished second and 9AM finished third. Make sure your phones are covered at these times! Of course, those are spikes. Monday calls are almost evenly distributed across the 8-5 working day range. The story here: keep on your toes on Monday.
Of course everyone’s results are different. But, they are results you can work with to modify your approach to customers and your decisions on what media to buy. Tracking numbers are simply the most affordable marketing tool out there with the greatest bang for your buck. Each number costs $480 once each year, making it $40/month. If you are interested in adding a tracking number to your web site or ads, please contact me at donald@dogstarmedia.com.