I like to write about trends I see among practices from my coaching meetings. I find that, generally, there are trends in priorities, behaviors and strategies among my clients. I first noticed these cycles long ago. Brace yourself, if you are experiencing this trend, I know it is not something you want to hear.
Nobody in small business wants to hear about sales communications. But, recently, I have had a lot of conversations with clients about sales conversions. This is occurring because of the tracking numbers. Clients have been seeing that the phone is ringing and that many of the calls are quality calls (longer than 90 seconds). Now they want to know what is happening to all of these calls. If you are in this boat, listen up.
For starters, this is why you do not measure return on investment (ROI) on line item purchases. When we are tracking incoming calls and few consults are being booked, you have to look at what is happening on these calls. If the incoming calls are being handled poorly, then it is not the marketing purchase’s fault. It is actually your fault. Yep, that’s right. You should make sure that whoever is on your front line is trained properly and plugged in each day. That is up to you. It is something you can control.
Economically, here is where we are for the most part. Wallets are relaxing and businesses have adjusted to becoming more lean. We are tracking a lot of incoming quality calls in nearly all the markets in which we have tracking. But, there is a lot more shopping going on than before. This means that you have to be prepared to sell. That means being more than just a “good people person.” When I hear that used to describe a sales person, my antenna goes up for that client.
There are some basics in sales that can be taught, should be rehearsed, practiced and modified for personal style. However, they must be in place. Another red flag is if you (as the practice owner) or your sales people are order takers. In other words, you only close the easy lay-downs. That will keep your billings frustratingly low in any economy and it will get you killed in this environment.
I am not saying that you need to hard sell, be convincing, be aggressive or sell with pressure. But I am saying you have to sell and know how to give yourself a chance if objections come up. The Dog Star Media definition of sales is “an exchange of information leading to a resolution.” Here are the two important parts: stay in the exchange and come to a resolution. Whoever finds themselves answering questions for prospects needs to have the skills and mindset to do this. Otherwise, opportunities are slipping by.
Why? Because in the exchange of information, you are able to isolate and overcome objections. You are able to make sure that the proper information is being conveyed to make a decision. A client told me recently that they had a lot of people wanting surgery but they didn’t have the money. I can tell you categorically, that is not the case. Sure, maybe price will get in the way on a handful legitimately but it is not widespread. Price is only one element of the equation. If you back off and quit on a price objection, you bring a sudden resolution to the conversation. Why? Because you did not ask the kind of question that frames the price properly within the context of the prospect’s desire to have the procedure. A question like, “What is it about the price that would keep you from doing this?” Who knows what their answer would be but it will give you more information to deepen your (and their) understanding of the value of the purchase.
A lot of elements are competing for the discretionary dollar these days. You have to sharpen the sword or you will find yourself on the outside of the conversation. If your sales people are helping your prospects sort information, getting down to a real resolution and not taking no for answer or taking orders, you are in good shape. If you want to learn how this works, sign up for my coaching program. As we emerge from the downturn, you can be more effective up front or you can go back to the way it was. I hope that you value all the prospects that come in a little more after the downturn and are ready to be the best selling organization you can be.
For more information on sales skills, please contact me at donald@dogstarmedia.com.