Here is an example of a client who came to Dallas to shoot his video with us. Just click to play the video using the Click to Play button below the photo in the center of the page:
There are many reasons why this is the ultimate advantage on the web. High-end aesthetic, ability to personally welcome a visitor, ability to set a personal tone... These are all good reasons to choose web drops, but there is one, clear cut branding reason to do it. Web drops make for a more personal experience when it comes to meeting the doctor on the web site. In the case of cosmetic procedure, the patient ultimately makes the decision on a doctor based on trust. Do they trust the doctor to perform the procedure to their satisfaction? If this is the ultimate deciding factor, it seems silly to stick to the old model for building trust.
The old model restrains meeting the doctor down to the amount of face-time the doctor could actually experience with prospective patients. In other words, there was only so much of the doctor to go around. Therefore a precious few can meet the doctor each month... in the old model. Now, with web drops, everyone seeking information on the doctor or the practice is greeted personally by the doctor via his/her web drops. On a 24/7 basis, the doctor meets and greets online, offering a feel for his/her personality at the beginning of the process instead of the end. Now, by getting a sense of the doctor early on, a prospective patient can begin to visualize knowing the doctor, thereby beginning the trust-building process. Many doctors for whom we have done web drops tell us that new patients come in saying they feel like they already know the doctor due to hearing and seeing them in video.
Web drops make the experience personal, giving you the distinct advantage over others who only present lifeless portraits of themselves online. If you want to add the advantage of web drops to your web site, please email me today for more details at Dog Star Media introduced web drops to both cosmetic dentistry and cosmetic surgery nearly seven years ago. Our style and process cannot be matched. If you want the best presentation in a web drop, contact me and ask how we do it.