Today, Facebook launched its new Deals feature in selected markets. It’s like Facebook’s answer to Groupon, which has brought coupon promotion up to date. Only, with 500 million+ subscribers, Facebook has some distinct advantages. It’s the same reason why we are seeing surprisingly high results on driving web site traffic from Facebook ads from our clients.
Essentially, Facebook is a giant database. You fill in your own information and the social component of Facebook keeps most of us feeding it with new information consistently. Details on your profile, who you are “Like,” what you visit, what you talk about... all complete a sophisticated demographic profile of the user. This creates the ultimate One-to-One Marketing scenario.
Those of you who have followed my blog for years know that Dog Star Media is a big believer in One-to-One Marketing. Applying programs based on this database-driven method of marketing is the key to improved Vertical Marketing, maximizing a client’s Lifetime Value and, in the case of Deals or Facebook ads, Rifle-shot Marketing.
Here is how it works. The more detail in the database about what you like, the more specific the offers presented to you will be. When placing Facebook ads, one selects a specific demographic to whom your ads will be displayed. And, you can be very specific. Also included in the targeting is matching to people who “like” certain pages, concepts or things.
In the case of the Facebook ads we have been monitoring, we are seeing an extremely high clickthrough rate. This confirms the basics of One-to-One Marketing: The more you know about a contact in your database, the more specifically you can make offers. Based on what I have seen, I believe that Facebook ads are going to become more and more popular with our clients.
If you have questions about One-to-One Marketing, Facebook ads or Deals, please contact me at