If there was even a question about the importance of understanding mobile traffic statistics, Google announced last week that and enhanced version of their Analytics program was on the way. One of the features is upgraded and more thorough reporting on mobile use.
This is sure to help anyone who is paying attention to fine tune their web strategies to maximize visits that come in via mobile devices. Before I wrote this, I took a quick look at a few of our clients’ Analytics dashboards. All were up over 20% mobile traffic. This time last year, 12-15% was high. Now, almost everyone is near 20% with many over and on their way to the next benchmark of 25%.
Anyone following this blog knows we are offering a mobile site special until the end of the year: a 15-page smart phone site for only $1000 (an $800 savings). The reason for this special is to draw attention to the importance of having a mobile site specialized for smart phones AT THE LEAST. For years, the focus has been on driving more traffic to web sites, then the expectation of refined traffic (or better traffic) made its way into the equation. Now, just about everyone with some experience as a web site owner knows the value of more and better traffic. However, the market seems very slow to adopt the idea that there is a huge difference in site presentation based on the hardware used to view the site. On a smart phone, standard sites are more difficult to use, read and navigate. Some elements don’t even show up.
All the work you have done to make sure you are getting more, better traffic is undermined if you do not have a mobile site. One in five viewers is likely on a mobile device. And, that is today’s norm. Next year, if the trends hold, we will be talking about almost one in three coming to your site via a mobile device. The tipping point is here. 20% is a very significant statistic. And, we want you to be prepared. If you need a mobile site or have questions about how this works, please email me at donald@dogstarmedia.com.