Thanksgiving is this week so I thought I would focus on what most of my clients are thankful for: accurate measurements. Yes, this is the gift that keeps on giving.
Marketing is both an art and a science. The science part, just like any other science, begins with measurements. And, it does not matter how much time and resources you spend on marketing, if you do not know what the results are, then you are spinning your wheels. And, I mean real results... the results you want to know... how much of the results turned into business.
There are a lot of ways to measure marketing. On the web it is impressions, site visits, pages visited, time on site, bounce rate, etc. There are a lot of stats. But the primary stat you want to know is: How many calls were generated? The only way to know that for sure in ANY medium is to measure incoming calls with technology. This can only be done with tracking telephone numbers.
Tracking telephone numbers are the least expensive service we offer but they are by far the most valuable tool we have at our disposal. A tracking number is a unique number placed in one location, for instance on your web site. Calls on that number route electronically and immediately to your real phone number and in the process all details of the call are recorded. You learn who called (Caller ID), how long the call lasted, was it answered or not, time of day the call was made and you can even record the call to hear how it went. This is a MAJOR advantage that allows you to make adjustments and refinements to your big picture marketing plan and evaluate how your selling is going over the phone.
In my world, tracking numbers are must! At only $480/year or $40/month, if you are not using tracking numbers at least on your main sources of incoming calls, you must not want to know the real numbers. I am so committed to the use of these numbers, I have the following offer to make.
All of our tracking numbers come up for renewal on Feb. 1 of each year. If you order one mid-year, the price is pro-rated. So, since we are near the renewal date, I will pay the December and January fees for any new tracking numbers that are ordered before the Feb. 1 renewal date. So, in essence I will give you two months on me to test out how this service can be a major eye-opener.
If you are interested in ordering a tracking number with no payment until February, essentially two months at no cost to you, please email me today at I will be happy to get you set up with the most effective marketing tool out there... the simple tracking telephone number.