Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Lipo DVD Excerpt Preview
Excerpts from Chapter 2
Excerpts from Chapter 3
Excerpts from Chapter 4
Several of my blog readers asked for a preview of the DVD. As we finalize this project over the next week or so, I will post longer, completed excerpts for our preview.
We are now taking pre-sale orders for Liposuction and a Healthy Lifestyle.
Reference last week's blog to read about our affordable program to customize DVDs with packaging for your practice.
If you are interested in more information of this new product to assist in the recovery of your liposuction patients, please email me at donald@dogstarmedia.com.
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
More Details: Health & Fitness Recovery DVDs from The Cosmetic Channel™
Now that we are nearing our mid-January delivery date, we are ready to take pre-orders. Here are some important points for you to know about the DVDs.
At the AACS annual scientific meeting in Orlando next month, we will be releasing two DVDs from this series: Liposuction and a Healthy Lifestyle and Cosmetic Breast Surgery and a Healthy Lifestyle. You can get on the list to have your DVDs immediately after the meeting by participating in the pre-sale between now and January 3.
The DVD series is a health & fitness approach to recovery from surgery hosted by a degreed, professional fitness expert. Script and content have been approved by experienced surgeons to ensure accuracy and value. Approaching recovery in stages, the DVD assists patients to recover through the first year of recovery and beyond.
The DVD retails at $30 and is sold in packages of 10. The DVD is packaged in a full size DVD like you see with commercial movie releases, not like a CD-ROM. Sales tax applies Texas clients. You can add the DVD to your recovery instructions or you can chose to resell the DVD to patients. The recommended retail is $45.
For those interested in using the DVD as a powerful marketing tool for their practice, we offer a low cost, low commitment program to customize your DVDs. For a commitment of as few as 10 DVDs, we are able to customize the packaging of your DVD with your photo on the front of the DVD, customize the entire back packaging and customize the silkscreen on the DVD itself for a one-time customization charge of $1600. (This fee is for one series of DVDs, customizing the packaging of the liposuction and breast DVDs means two customizations).
And, you are not limited to your initial order. You can continue to order 10 at a time or as many as you need each month and still get your customized DVD for your practice. It is a great deal that limits your initial financial commitment and offers the best, customized, quality video for a one-time cost. This is another Dog Star Media first that we are proud to introduce to the cosmetic surgery market.
In the next few weeks, I will be giving more details about both DVD products including a preview of the liposuction recovery DVD in the next two weeks. Pre-sale clients will get their DVDs before anyone else.
If you are interested in getting on the early pre-sale list for either or both of the cosmetic breast surgery or liposuction recovery DVDs, please email me at donald@dogstarmedia.com. To summarize, the customization is $1600 per DVD series and the minimum January order is 10 DVDs or $300. So, for less than $2000, you can have this excellent patient education and marketing tool first before anyone else. I hope you will sign up for the early pre-sale.
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
DVD debut is set
The series debuts with our first two titles: Liposuction and a Healthy Lifestyle and Cosmetic Breast Surgery and a Healthy Lifestyle.
These DVDs are designed to help patients remain focused on health and fitness that is appropriate for the stages of recovery from these surgeries. Hosted by Fitness Expert Jennifer Jens (host of 110% on The Cosmetic Channel™), this series is the ideal take-home health and fitness partner to liposuction or cosmetic breast surgery. And, the DVDs are priced low enough to give you the option to either give them to patients or mark them up for a modest profit.
More information and some preview clips from the DVDs will be coming soon on my blog between now and January. Please let me know if you are interested in getting on the early release list so you can supply this excellent supplement to surgery to your patients.
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
So, why aren’t you blogging?
So, are you blogging? Are you making the proper effort to give you patients and prospects the kind of access that can pay off for you?
Obviously, you can see that I blog each week, offering top of mind issues on marketing such as this. Over the weekend, I presented a marketing lecture at Tulsa Surgical Arts' Breast Surgery CME course. We always get a chance to show off our web design, video and consulting skills in Tulsa and it is always a really fun time, too.
One doctor I met had some questions about web design. We talked twice and he asked me to call his office this week to speak to his office manager. I spoke to her today and she told me that they had followed my blog for some time. The connection was very strong and I expect that they will become a client very soon.
That is how blogs work. These folks have had access to my suggestions and Dog Star Media’ work for some time now. When circumstances bring us together, it is so much easier to form the working relationships.
And, writing this blog takes me about 10-15 minutes each week. This is why I suggest my coaching and retainer clients blog frequently. Access to your know-how is valuable. Why not let it work for you?
Monday, November 12, 2007
Charlie Patric Wins DSM Sudden Death Pool
This is the greatest sudden death battle I have ever seen. Great work.
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Sudden Death Pool - Week 10
Charlie Patric - Green Bay
Mark Collins - New Orleans
Teams they cannot pick:
Charlie: New England, Jacksonville, Indianapolis, Dallas, Tennessee, San Diego, Seattle, New York Giants, Pittsburgh
Mark: Pittsburgh, Chicago, Baltimore, Dallas, Tennessee, San Diego, Seattle, New York Giants, Washington
Akiko Kakuta - Out in Week 6
Donald Griswold - Out in Week 4
Amy Griswold - Out in Week 4
Samir Pancholi - Out in Week 4
Jenn Zickefoose - Out in Week 4
Ben Carmen - Out in Week 4
Jason Lim - Out in Week 2
Jennifer Jens - Out in Week 2
Barry Williams - Out in Week 2
Mischa Gorrell - Out in Week 2
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
The opportunities you are missing
In this blog and probably marketing education you have had along the way, you probably have heard plenty about databases and a dedication to marketing. In the blog I referenced above, the vehicle I discussed was email marketing. Hopefully, that got you thinking.
Beyond the question about how many you influence is a question about how you influence those people. I don’t think anyone has to be convinced that your best referrals are people you know or your circle of influence. This includes patients, friends, family and every contact you know. But, let’s talk about the easy ones: previous patients.
Past patients are an excellent source of new business in two ways. First, they come back for more treatment. Second, they refer new patients. Needless to say, I am asked nearly every day how do you get more referrals. I hope my clients accept my answer when I tell them that there is a variable involved for which we cannot account: prospective patient readiness. One who has not identified a need cannot be referred yet. So, with this giant, cosmic variable out there what do you do? Most, and I mean 99%, choose to quit. After all, what can you do?
You can get in position and stay there. Much like the game of racquetball, (If you play and play poorly, your game is about to get a boost.) maintaining the best position is the key to getting referrals. Good racquetball players play their shot and then step to the middle of the court. Most shots are within their reach and their game looks effortless. The untrained player chases the ball all over the court, physically wearing themselves down and playing without focus. This is the sort of player that does not win against superior competition. (If anyone out there would like me to demonstrate, just come to Dallas for a game with me. I’ll show you.)
So, for referrals, how do you get into that center court position? And, more importantly, how do you stay there? It starts with admitting you need two things: 1) Technology and 2) the dedication to stick to your plan.
This should provide enough incentive. Look in your patient database to find out how many people you influence. Then ask yourself how many opportunities you have to make contact with those people. Whether you are a cosmetic surgeon or cosmetic dentist, your numbers may look a little like this:
Office visits or phone contact in a year: 2
If you do some sort of annual patient reminder, add 1 contact.
Let’s give you a lot of credit. If you do a quarterly mailer, you just touched them another 4 times.
So, if you are making any kind of effort, you are making contact 7 times a year. Oh, wait... This is the effort you make. This does not take into account whether your contacts even saw it or took the time to absorb the info you are sending. Oh, no! You also have to factor out the chance that your media is not entirely correct, either in design, message or call to action.
Now consider that there are 365 days in a year during which the sun, moon and stars need to line up on a day when one of your contacts are even in position to make a referral. It is a wonder that referrals are ever made.
But they are. Imagine how much more referral opportunity you could have if you maintained excellent contact with your circle of influence on a regular and ongoing basis. In other words, instead of chasing the ball, why not put yourself in position so that when a referral opportunity pops up, you are closer to top of mind.
How do you do this: Database marketing tied to content (we recommend a blog) powered by an automated communication tool that allows you to work in volume.
If you are reading this, you are reading an object lesson. Follow my lead... because my blog and email marketing blast results in new opportunity every week.
1) I give readers something new to learn or see each week. Yes. EACH WEEK. You can do this, too. Or are you willing to admit you are out of interesting things to say about your practice?
2) I write and email regularly. Every week. Every Tuesday. People get used to it.
3) I cultivate a readership. At DSM, we don’t ever pass on the chance to add a contact to our database or mailing list.
4) I vary the topics to learn about who clicks through on what topics.
I make at least 52 attempts each year on my most distant prospects. The more immediate prospects get phone calls, personal emails to answer their questions and more. See how I improve my chances by nailing down that one variable: readiness? By using volume communications and dedication to the plan, I factor out readiness because someone is always ready somewhere. It can be the same for you in your circle of influence.
The reason I get new leads every week, and usually new business, from this action is that I have taken the variable of readiness out of the equation. I am standing in the middle of the court, reaching for balls that are coming to me. My competitors... they are running like crazy chasing the ball.
If you are chasing the ball and want to learn how to put yourself in position and stay there, we have a very affordable program for you. It is my coaching program where I help you set all of this up, make it work and give you analysis on the results. Coaching is only $300/month. If you are interested in learning this important marketing skill, let me coach you. Email me at donald@dogstarmedia.com if you are interested.
Sunday, November 4, 2007
Sudden Death Pool - Week 9
Charlie Patric - Pittsburgh
Mark Collins - Washington
Teams they cannot pick:
Charlie: New England, Jacksonville, Indianapolis, Dallas, Tennessee, San Diego, Seattle, New York Giants
Mark: Pittsburgh, Chicago, Baltimore, Dallas, Tennessee, San Diego, Seattle, New York Giants
Akiko Kakuta - Out in Week 6
Donald Griswold - Out in Week 4
Amy Griswold - Out in Week 4
Samir Pancholi - Out in Week 4
Jenn Zickefoose - Out in Week 4
Ben Carmen - Out in Week 4
Jason Lim - Out in Week 2
Jennifer Jens - Out in Week 2
Barry Williams - Out in Week 2
Mischa Gorrell - Out in Week 2
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
The Cosmetic Channel Preview
We are working on The Cosmetic Channel™ web site and we will be releasing our new DVD product for liposuction surgeons in November. For now, though, I would like to give you a bigger look at The Cosmetic Channel™.
Click here to see an overview video featuring the hosts from The Cosmetic Channel™.
There are sign up forms for Cosmetic Surgeons and Cosmetic Dentists right below the video.
And, since I am prone to unexpected special offers, I will renew the Early Pre-sale price for one week. Subscribe before the end of the next Monday night can subscribe to an Enhanced Package for the 12-month Season 1 of The Cosmetic Channel™ for $240/month.
Don't wait around. Just download the form, choose your shows and fax in your order for the special. Cross out the price of $360/month and write in $240.
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Sudden Death Pool - Week 8
Charlie Patric - New York Giants
Mark Collins - New York Giants
Teams they cannot pick:
Charlie: New England, Jacksonville, Indianapolis, Dallas, Tennessee, San Diego, Seattle.
Mark: Pittsburgh, Chicago, Baltimore, Dallas, Tennessee, San Diego, Seattle.
Akiko Kakuta - Out in Week 6
Donald Griswold - Out in Week 4
Amy Griswold - Out in Week 4
Samir Pancholi - Out in Week 4
Jenn Zickefoose - Out in Week 4
Ben Carmen - Out in Week 4
Jason Lim - Out in Week 2
Jennifer Jens - Out in Week 2
Barry Williams - Out in Week 2
Mischa Gorrell - Out in Week 2
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Email Marketing and Going Public
Good timing. This occurance coincides with a push we have been planning all summer for my retainer and coaching clients. Our reorganization of clients’ email marketing using Constant Contact has streamlined and simplified the process and nearly all of our marketing clients are on board. Some are blogging more and sending out their own email marketing. Our goal: to help them reach a critical mass of marketing communications.
What is the best combination? Well, my experience is a weekly blog that really offers some access to what you (or I in the case) think about at work PLUS a weekly email marketing blast. Not only is this good procedure but it prioritizes this activity. Personally, I can say that I am much better at adding new email leads to my database because this priority is top of mind.
So, if you are asking yourself what you can do to expand your circle of influence, improve the chances of increasing referrals from patients and lay the ground work for vertical marketing, look no further. You are reading a strategy you can do in about 30 minutes per week to improve your influence over your circle of influence. And, every email marketing message you send out with Constant Contact lays the groundwork for some excellent one-to-one marketing because you can do this to determine your readers’ interest.
If you want to know more about how to do this really inexpensive method of marketing (less than $50/month plus the effort to do it), email me. I personally guide my coaching clients’ efforts in our coaching sessions. If you are interested in learning about my Coaching program (a low monthly cost of $300/month), email me at donald@dogstarmedia.com.
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Sudden Death Pool - Week 7
Charlie Patric - Seattle
Mark Collins - Seattle
Teams they cannot pick:
Charlie: New England, Jacksonville, Indianapolis, Dallas, Tennessee, San Diego
Mark: Pittsburgh, Chicago, Baltimore, Dallas, Tennessee, San Diego.
Akiko Kakuta - Out in Week 6
Donald Griswold - Out in Week 4
Amy Griswold - Out in Week 4
Samir Pancholi - Out in Week 4
Jenn Zickefoose - Out in Week 4
Ben Carmen - Out in Week 4
Jason Lim - Out in Week 2
Jennifer Jens - Out in Week 2
Barry Williams - Out in Week 2
Mischa Gorrell - Out in Week 2
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
New web site and guest blogger
Excellent video performance for this young doctor, Scott Blyer! Congratulations on hanging your new site.
This site was designed by Akiko Kakuta, who designs for us in both video and web sites. I love Akiko's style and she will continue to design some web sites while she turns most of her attention to video, which is in high demand these days.
Many of our clients have met Charlie Patric over the past few months. Charlie is also a multi-faceted designer who works in both web design and print. He will be taking over as Art Director at Dog Star Media after having survived his probationary period with DSM. Charlie also has the distinction of being one of the finalists remaining in the DSM Sudden Death Pool.
We will be adding Charlie to our web site in the next few weeks but I wanted our blog readers to get to know Charlie a little bit. Every once and a while, he will write some guest blogs to give you some insight to what he thinks is important in design and where DSM design is going.
Interactive Design by Charlie Patric:
The web has become the center point of most businesses because it’s a place to connect emotionally with consumers. It’s always evident when designers do their homework prior to developing a project. The ability to analyze clients’ long term and short-term goals, while thinking from the end users perspective is every designer’s goal. If it doesn’t work for the target audience then it’s not a successful site.
Every person has a unique way of drawing connections between various pieces of information. The more people can deconstruct the underlying information the more people can connect it together in a way that suits their needs. It’s not about finding a new technology or some new gimmick or trend. It’s about what is the most compelling way to communicate the information, the brand or the story.
Web sites that are the most successful are the ones that really make you step back and think. They also push the medium in a new way, and into a place it hasn’t been before. Over the last couple of years we have seen the online world go from supporting the offline world, to the offline world supporting online world. The 30 second television spot seems less important, when you consider the time you can engage a perspective client in a web site. It jumps from 30 seconds to 20 minutes. This is a trend we will continue to see in the future. The Internet is becoming something more than just a Web browser. We are seeing it with the iPhone. This is the one device everyone carries with them: the cell phone. Rich multimedia experiences through your mobile device, is the new medium designers must conquer. This medium will change the way we think about the Internet and the way designers think about interactive design on the Internet.
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Sudden Death Pool - Week 6
What a Battle Royale this has turned into! This is one of the longest Sudden Death Pools I have ever seen!
Akiko Kakuta - NY Jets
Charlie Patric - San Diego
Mark Collins - San Diego
Donald Griswold - Out in Week 4
Amy Griswold - Out in Week 4
Samir Pancholi - Out in Week 4
Jenn Zickefoose - Out in Week 4
Ben Carmen - Out in Week 4
Jason Lim - Out in Week 2
Jennifer Jens - Out in Week 2
Barry Williams - Out in Week 2
Mischa Gorrell - Out in Week 2
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
More New web sites by DSM: You can learn from these examples
Check out this new web site by Dog Star Media that went live today.
The video is smaller than you normally see in one of our designs but the contents are pure gold. James Merrett’s personality really comes out in these web video drops because he speaks directly and unscripted to the viewer. We can make really good video with scripts and direction. But, if you really want to connect with the viewer. Speak your mind and talk from the heart when the camera is rolling. This is an example of the power of video. Do you think people who see this first will feel like they have met him once they book a consultation or appointment? I am pretty sure they do.
And, anyone wondering if you can get a great looking HTML site should look no further than this site.
If you have a vision and a solid style in mind, it is easy for us to maximize the visual quality of HTML. An HTML site costs less than half of a Flash site without video but, when properly executed with strong design preferences from the client, we can make HTML design exceed the cost.
Congratulations to these clients as different as Maui and North Dakota.
Saturday, October 6, 2007
Sudden Death Pool - Week 5
Akiko Kakuta - San Diego
Charlie Patric - Tennessee
Mark Collins - Tennessee
Donald Griswold - Out in Week 4
Amy Griswold - Out in Week 4
Samir Pancholi - Out in Week 4
Jenn Zickefoose - Out in Week 4
Ben Carmen - Out in Week 4
Jason Lim - Out in Week 2
Jennifer Jens - Out in Week 2
Barry Williams - Out in Week 2
Mischa Gorrell - Out in Week 2
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
New Site Launches by Dog Star Media
In fact, the client can steers the boat in design. I recommend for clients to let the designers take their best shot at interpreting their wishes. However, we start with a client’s description of how they see their web site... We don’t ask for a description of the design; we ask for a description of the impression the client wants the web site to make. The interpretation is based on those initial impressions. And, in the end, the client has a lot to do with what is finally approved for the presentation of the site.
As an example of how diverse this can be, here are two new web sites by Dog Star Media. Both are Flash Video web sites with video by professional talent. Both are for doctors that have man of the same procedures. Both are for doctors from the same state, the same city... even the same family. But for all these similarities, look how differently these sites turned out.
Congratulations, Drs. Hertzak and Gillmore! It was a pleasure working with you both. And, if any of you readers want to meet the two most likeable doctors in AACS, meet these folks!
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Sudden Death Pool - Week 4
It’s Week 4 and it appears that nobody is giving any ground in the breakaway pack. This is the first week that we might have a winner. If San Diego and Dallas are both upset and the Eagles win, Ben will be our winner. However, that is a lot of ifs.
Donald Griswold - San Diego
Amy Griswold - San Diego
Akiko Kakuta - Dallas
Charlie Patric - Dallas
Samir Pancholi - San Diego
Ben Carmen - Philadelphia
Mark Collins - Dallas
Jenn Zickefoose - San Diego
Jason Lim - Out in Week 2
Jennifer Jens - Out in Week 2
Barry Williams - Out in Week 2
Mischa Gorrell - Out in Week 2
Monday, September 24, 2007
Major Web Site Release: CosmeticSurgery.org
AACS members and regular visitors to CosmeticSurgery.org will immediately notice that the site is now Flash. The established style has been preserved and enhanced with the smooth animations of this more advanced style of presentation.
It is our pleasure to present this as our latest site release. Special thanks go to Charlie Baase, who guided the project’s content, AACS President Dr. Ed Lack and Communications Committee Chair Dr. Robert Burke, who gave the project momentum, former Dog Star Art Director Julie Teasley who nailed the design on her first attempt, Dog Star web designers Charlie Patric and Akiko Kakuta for all the magic they always do and Mark Collins, without whom we could not make this site function. If you are so inclined, give these folks some praise for their work on this major project.
More is to come as we develop the site with AACS. For all of you who are watching, the benchmark is here. I hope this inspires some cosmetic surgeons to reconsider how they are presenting their practices on the web. Please email me here if there is anything Dog Star Media can do to help.
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Sudden Death Pool - Week 3
Donald Griswold - Baltimore
Amy Griswold - Pittsburgh
Akiko Kakuta - Indianapolis
Charlie Patric - Indianapolis
Samir Pancholi - New England
Ben Carmen - Dallas
Mark Collins - Baltimore
Jenn Zickefoose - Pittsburgh
Jason Lim - Out in Week 2
Jennifer Jens - Out in Week 2
Barry Williams - Out in Week 2
Mischa Gorrell - Out in Week 2
Winners advance. Losers are out.
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
FINALLY! Watch The Cosmetic Channel here!
You can visit these sites to see The Cosmetic Channel™. They are part of a group of about 30 practices that joined us in our soft launch. Just click the buttons labeled The Cosmetic Channel™ on any of these sites to see a variety of shows.
For Cosmetic Dentists:
For Cosmetic Surgeons:
So, the presale is over and the full pricing structure has taken effect. You can see your choices for shows and episodes here:
I hope that the many of you who were waiting on seeing the video and how it works will consider signing up for Season 1. Regardless of when you start, you will start with the first shows of the 12-month Season 1.
The Cosmetic Channel™ adds fresh, topical video to your web site each month. The immediate improvements we are planning are custom colors for the buttons for subscriber web sites and a roll-over-to-play 10-second opening video. Episodes begin changing next month, meaning your web visitors will get the chance to see more, new content with each visit.
How does this benefit you?
For those of you who may be questioning the value of excellent content on your web site, consider the amount of time people spend on your site is time they are not spending on competitor sites. Also, consider what brings people back to your site? The same way, I recall you to my blog each week with the promise of new content and ideas for your benefit, The Cosmetic Channel™ will do the same for your site. It will even be more effective when combined with email marketing.
When the content, in this case video, is new, fresh and informative, it recalls web visitors to your site. It also causes people to refer the site, passing the link along.
Not everyone can afford to make improvements to their site on this scale on an ongoing and timely basis. That is why Web Service is becoming a major part on the next big wave of Internet trends. Web Services allow you to subscribe to content providers for new, fresh, timely content for your site. Usually, this is text. The Cosmetic Channel™ provides your content in video. Thus, The Cosmetic Channel™ is a web video service… and it is the first of its kind.
Dog Star Media has been building a video team of professionals who know how to make more than the talking head videos that are so common in cosmetic medical and dental services. We are filmmakers who know how to tell a story concisely in many different ways with many levels of impact. With degreed Radio, TV and Film graduates from three generations of video production, our team is uniquely qualified to make better video… that is what will make The Cosmetic Channel™ shows a unique draw for your web site. You heard it here first before someone tries to produce a knock-off. The battle on the Internet fast becoming about who can produce better video. Put your money on that.
In the coming months and years, the amount of fresh, timely, interesting content on web sites will separate the sheep from the goats on the web. The sheep will have the best content and the goats will be unchanging web sites. You can combat that now or later with The Cosmetic Channel™. It is the first way you have seen to make your web site more like a TV network in term of programming.
It is simply the most inexpensive and highest quality way to add great video content to your site on an on-going basis. The Cosmetic Channel™ subscriptions begin at $300/month. We can add it to any web site, even if DSM did not design it.
Now that you have seen it, why not sign up today?
And, of course, there is more coming…
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Sudden Death Pool - Week 2
Donald Griswold - Denver
Amy Griswold - Denver (she came up with this on her own.)
Akiko Kakuta - Tampa Bay
Jason Lim - New Orleans
Charlie Patric - Jacksonville
Samir Pancholi - Dallas
Ben Carmen - Indianapolis
Mark Collins - Chicago
Jennifer Jens - New Orleans
Jenn Zickefoose - Jacksonville
Barry Williams - New Orleans
Mischa Gorrell - Carolina
Winners advance. Losers are out.
Friday, September 7, 2007
Sudden Death Pool - Week 1
Donald Griswold - Pittsburgh
Amy Griswold - Minnesota
Akiko Kakuta - Minnesota
Jason Lim - Seattle
Charlie Patric - New England
Samir Pancholi - Seattle
Ben Carmen - New England
Mark Collins - Pittsburgh
Jennifer Jens - Seattle
Jenn Zickefoose - Minnesota
Barry Williams - Detroit
Mischa Gorrell - Pittsburgh
Winners advance. Losers are out.
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Rough Draft: The Cosmetic Channel™ Player
I have several tweaks for the design team on this design and the video is pretty raw. But, for those of you who want to start to visualize what The Cosmetic Channel™ will look like on your web sites... this is it.
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Mark Your Calendars for September
Thursday, September 6. Each year this is one of my favorite days... the kickoff of the National Football League season. If you are a pro football fan, visit my blog on Fridays. (There will be no email alert on Fridays so you will have to remember on your own.) Each Friday, a select group of Dog Star Media employees, friends of Dog Star and Dog Star clients will stick their necks out in a Sudden Death Football Pool. So far, DSM employees Charlie Patric, Jason Lim and I are playing, Jennifer Jens the sporty girl from The Cosmetic Channel™ is in (watch out for her... she knows her football), DSM client Samir Pancholi from Cosmetic Surgery of Las Vegas is in and so are friends of Dog Star Mark Collins and Barry Williams. I am clearly the favorite as my lifetime percentage straight up (around 70%) will attest. The game is Sudden Death. Pick one winner per week and you can only pick each team once. Please no wagering. This contest is for honor only and anyone who wants to play is welcome to join. Just email me.
Saturday, September 8 - Dog Star Media will announce the upcoming release of a new product exclusively for doctors who perform liposuction. We will make the announcement at the Facial Rejuvenation Course held that weekend at Tulsa Surgical Arts. Once the announcement is made live in Tulsa, an email will go out to everyone in my blog email alert. If you perform liposuction, do not miss this annoucement.
Saturday, September 15 - The Cosmetic Channel™ goes live! Thirteen shows debut and the regular price schedule will go into effect. The early shows are great... very informative and entertaining. Nothing like you have seen before. Subscriptions are still available for cosmetic dentists and cosmetic surgeons at $240/month for the 12-month Season 1. If you are interested, email me at donald@dogstarmedia.com.
Dog Star Media has some more cool things coming this fall. Stay tuned.
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
What to do about business peaks and valleys.
Peaks and valleys are common for all types of business. Although these fields are not seasonal, doctors and dentists are affected by Macro-economic trends and current conditions in their markets. In the past, Dog Star Media has worked with all sorts of small business fields including accounting, architecture and arts/entertainment. All along, we have said for years that the first companies to feel economic trends are small businesses. Unfortunately, small businesses are also the last ones to feel the recovery.
Take it from me. Dog Star Media has survived the Internet Bubble Bust and the 9/11 recession. I personally have analyzed our sales patterns over the years, so I know when and how the peaks and valleys occur. I recommend doing this to prepare yourself and your business. However, I get regular indications that most are not following that advice.
So, here are a few tips if you want to prepare yourself from next year. Your slow time is about to end, so I would begin planning now.
You could approach it like a former Dog Star Media accounting client.
This accounting client was so successful the practice was sold long ago. However, when they put in their marketing and web site strategies with us prior to the sale, they established a budget and saved the budgeted amount each month until they had a year saved up. Then, they bought the marketing program from us. The marketing venture did not cut into immediate cash flow.
Translated for this program: Look at the shortfalls you experience in your valleys. Divide that total shortfall from the mid-summer swoon across the 10 normal months of the year. Build up some savings each month to cover the shortfall in July and August. Build your shortfall into your budget and try to enjoy the time off in the summer. P.S. This worked for me this year.
#2) Recognize the cycles.
Do it yourself but ask your bookkeeper to chart your accounts receivable by month over the last few years. Look for the trends. Look for the recoveries. A lot of the nervous calls I get during the mid-summer swoon are rooted in the fact that most of the clients are projecting the shortfall to continue. You have to realize that a bad month or so, especially ones that you can forecast, are not the new level of production for your practice. I had a very successful client tell me once that, despite 15 years in practice with multiple locations, he sometimes woke up wondering if the phone would ring that day. Part of being a small business owner is having to bear those feelings. What works for me is remembering the time Amy told me I have to have faith in the business.
#3) Don’t knee-jerk with jump-start marketing during the swoon and don’t drop anything.
I tell clients all the time that marketing and media programs should be consistent over time. As a small business owner, you cannot finance a big enough marketing push to be worth it over a short time. This is especially so during a time that is usually slow anyway.
Hopefully, you are aware of all of this and you cope well with the annual peaks and valleys. If not, possibly you could use our coaching package from Dog Star Media. It is inexpensive and it tends to calm some routine fears. If you want to talk about it and cope better with the mid-summer swoon, email me at donald@dogstarmedia.com
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Production Notes on The Cosmetic Channel™
Package prices have been announced and the early pre-sale is running out. Contact me at donald@dogstarmedia.com for an early pre-sale subscription form. Each show is six-episodes and Season 1 runs for one year. If you want the latest and greatest, you want The Cosmetic Channel™. Sign up in the early pre-sale at the price of $240 before prices go up.
Surgical Shows - About Face (Face), Second Chance (Body) and Shapes & Sizes (Breast)
In these shows, professional runway and fashion model Amy Mueller will introduce viewers to the specific surgical concepts. She will present an overview and introductions to interview segments featuring Karyn Chambers, who will be our cosmetic surgery consultant. Karyn is an experienced surgical center manager who speaks eloquently, passionately and knowledgeably about cosmetic surgery.
Non-Surgical Package Shows - Improving with Age (Injectables) and Only Skin Deep (Non-Invasive Procedures)
In these shows, television commercial actress and mother of three Cynthia Wenz and Dr. James K. (practice and name not specified) will introduce and explain injectable and non-surgical procedures. Guided by product web sites and online research, Cynthia will guide a discussion in an informal, entertaining Vlog (Video Blog) style of production. Dr. James K. will answer questions and interject facts and opinions. Informal and engaging, these shows will be great for those who are seeking fact and opinion on non-surgical treatments.
Here Today, Gone Tomorrow (for Cosmetic Surgeons)
Professional runway and fashion model Amy Mueller introduce viewers to common skin and aging conditions. She will present an overview and options following man-on-the-street interviews where people discuss their wishes for cosmetic work for themselves. Amy will run the full length of options, mentioning both surgical and non-surgical.
110% (for Cosmetic Surgeons)
Jennifer Jens, a personal trainer with a degree in physical therapy, introduces viewers to some basic steps to make a strong recovery from surgical procedures. She will present a stage-by-stage fitness regimen and a supporting diet if it is recommended. Jenn will present both the details of the plan and demonstrate the exercises.
Advanced Dentistry Shows - Smile of a Lifetime (Cosmetic Dentistry) and Health in Mind (TMJ and wellness issues)
Television and movie actress Leeanne Locken hosts a discussion package featuring the benefits of cosmetic and neuromuscular dentistry. The format for discussion will be a lunch setting where Leeanne will lead a discussion with someone who has had the discussed procedure over lunch. This show will be a blend of script and informal discussion.
Here Today, Gone Tomorrow (for Cosmetic Dentists)
Television commercial actress and mother of three Cynthia Wenz introduces viewers to common dental conditions. She will present an overview and options following man-on-the-street interview where people discuss their wishes for cosmetic work for themselves. Cynthia will run the full length of options.
110% (Health and Diet to complete your makeover)
Jennifer Jens, a personal trainer with a degree in physical therapy, introduces viewers to diet and fitness tips to help users complete their makeovers. She will present both the details of the plan and demonstrate excercises. Diet plans for snacking and meals will be prepared in a kitchen setting .
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Fear, Branding and Avoiding The Money Pit
I have posted it here before and my clients hear this frequently. An investment in branding for small business must be modified for small business purposes. If someone tries to do a traditional branding campaign for a small business, you have to wonder what they are thinking. (If you want the long version of why, email me at donald@dogstarmedia.com and we can set up a time to talk about it. I am trying to conserve space here to get to new stuff.) The short answer is that brand-building has two massively extensive and expensive elements included: mark (or logo) design and media buys. When done right, you have the kind of campaign that changes Cingular back to AT&T or launches Starbucks. This is agency level stuff pushed through by mass market media buys.
Definitions in the media business are really important. I know several competitors that charge for “branding” and deliver identity... at premium prices for small business. There is not a bigger rip-off and there are plenty of eager buyers because everyone else is doing it. There is a HUGE difference, but to the layman, it seems like semantics. So you wonder why you paid so much for some basic slogan, an abstract logo and type design. Small businesses need basic identity design, which is a much less expensive and extensive process. Using an agency-type branding process for a small business is like killing a gnat with a sledge hammer. You can do it, and you can charge for it. But it is way too much tool for the task.
Positioning is the brand strategy that Dog Star Media recommends over traditional branding for small businesses. However, positioning is much more subtle in its delivery and it works best with companies that use the Abundance Mentality and have good sales people that can sort information with prospects. If you have those Big Three elements, you are in great shape and will carve out a very comfortable niche without major expenses.
Here is how it works. You identify your business and assume a position that is generally understood by the market place. You advertise, market and promote at an appropriate level for your business. Then, ride the wave of prevailing market conditions as it brings prospects to you. Finally, you help prospects that come to you understand why you are different and better. In other words, you go from general messages down to specifics.
In both of our main cosmetic markets, there are turf wars underway. Cosmetic surgeons vs. plastic surgeons... cosmetic dentists vs. anyone who offers even the most basic cosmetic services... even whitening. To the market, both turf wars are all but invisible. Sorry to inform you all of this but there are basically two brands... call it what you will but in general we can refer to it as aesthetic surgery and aesthetic dentistry. There is no way that you can spend enough to change that perception in your market, unless you are trying to spend yourself out of business. And, even then, your chances are slim.
If the family dentist with take-home whitening kits and the cosmetic dentist who does full mouth reconstructions are part of the same brand, what can you do? Here comes the abundant part: You worry about your business, not what the others are doing. You also do not fight the battle on the most expensive, most general level.
Embracing abundance means recognizing that there is enough for everyone. That means, those that do not deserve to call themselves cosmetic dentists (in this example) will get some responses if their marketing is good. Among those prospects let’s say that some are really looking for reconstructive services. You must be abundant and trust that the market can sniff out a mistake. The first call a prospect makes, the first web site a prospect visits, the first referral a prospect might receive all may be mismatches. If you are diligently marketing your practice, you will be part of enough conversations and if you are selling properly, you can guide prospects while they compare. In a comparison, if a prospect in the market for veneers shops a family dentist with whitening kits and a dentist who does reconstructions, it will be clear that the former is not a match. And, that prospect may need to live through the mistake of whitening before they realize that a more highly trained dentist is needed for what they want out of cosmetic improvement.
Sound easy, right? So, why do so few people practice marketing and sales with this sort of faith in establishing their position and defending it? Fear. There is such fear that a prospect will go to a competitor first that most small business owners feel like they must do what they have to do to fight the battle on the biggest, broadest level. That is the brand level and this explains the focus on brand. Sure, we would all like to be first. An old advertising axiom says “There is First and Everybody Else.” But the fact is that you cannot always be first. You will get a lot of prospects who are on the rebound.
Do not fear that you will not compare favorably. Do not fear that the uneducated market will make a bad, mismatched purchase. Do not fear that, if you are not first, that you will not be part of the conversation. You must not generalize about prospects. They do not suddenly appear one day, looking for services. They are on a journey, too. They may have made wasteful and expensive mistakes first. You may be their third or fourth try. How many people come to you for cosmetic work after having seen another dentist or doctor first only to have an unsatisfying experience? Those unsatisfying experiences have to come from somewhere. Ironically, you are probably considering those failed attempts with other doctors as losses for your business attributed to your failed branding campaign. Funny how nobody mentioned the rebounders in your branding conversation. Right?
These many prospects are well past the brand stage. So, why are you sinking all that money into brand building? All that is needed in 90% of these cases is a call to action that resonates with what they already know. You know this... you have met them. And, you can look that up, this is the definition of positioning as a branding strategy.
If you don’t fear these things, you will feel much more empowered to put your marketing dollars into active, engaging, measurable, sales-oriented marketing tools and behaviors. The alternatives are to do nothing or to sink it all into establishing a brand on a level in which you cannot afford to do it.
The worst part of this is, that some of us know better. I must say, many of our competitors do not and they are doing what they learned at previous jobs, in class or from books. They do not know better and this is why I started this blog for you. For those who do know better, the best way for them to sell is with peer pressure and fear.
This is a subjective business and it is difficult to know what to do unless you have a trusted expert guiding you. If you come here to read and learn, here is a tip that can help you avoid the money pit of branding. Is the person selling you on branding selling with peer pressure or fear tactics? If they are, there is your red flag. With that identified, and knowing what you now know, what is your gut telling you?
Monday, July 16, 2007
The Future of the Internet is now on CNN.
Earlier this month, CNN unveiled its new web site. You get the latest news and video links at the top and all the news links that were previously in the main viewing area are at the bottom of the page... below the fold of the page. (That’s Internet-speak for anything below the first window depth... the term comes form a fold in a book or newspaper.)
A quick check of the major network’s news web sites shows that video is featured at least equally as news links you can read. These web sites, which get hundreds of thousands of hits each day, serve all kinds of web users. Yet, the medium they are choosing for their content is increasingly video-based. The news draws the broadest-based audience and these major corporations think we have passed the tipping point on video. They are not just saying it. Just look at their sites and you can see it.
In other words, video has gone prime time on the web.
This should answer a lot of questions about bandwidth and the market’s desire for video. Right before your eyes, the top communicators in the world are using the most engaging medium on the Internet. We are past the tipping point. You can only follow.
Now, the question is... When will you follow the trend into enhanced video content on your web site. The early adopters are already in the pool. Some of them risked early on... before the tipping point came and went... and now they are well in the lead in their markets when it comes to communicating about their services on the web.
We are still in the early adopter stage when it comes to video in the cosmetic dental and cosmetic surgical markets. How do I know this? Because people still wince a little at the price of adding quality video to a web site. When budget ceases to be a factor for most small businesses, the video explosion will be everywhere.
If you have been following my blog this summer, you will now see the confluence of several themes and thoughts. Yes, we are in the early adopter stage and Dog Star Media continues to get more and more orders for new Flash Video web sites. But, in general, most cosmetic dentists and cosmetic surgeons will wait to enhance their web sites for several reason. The desire for video is there but, in mass numbers, many will remain on pause, waiting for the right time.
So, ask yourself: If I could add great video to my web site easily, quickly and affordably, would I?
This is why Dog Star Media has developed The Cosmetic Channel™. For those mid- and late-adopters, we fashioned this excellent video add-on that works with any web site... even your old-time HMTL site, if necessary. Now every cosmetic dentist and cosmetic surgeon who desires video can have it at a very affordable price with a monthly subscription to The Cosmetic Channel™.
The early adopters will rework their web sites with Dog Star Media (or a lesser capable company working it the market :) ) and will likely add The Cosmetic Channel™ just to be on the leading edge. However, the rest of you who stay with the pack can have this valuable addition now, too. When it is released, you will see proven broadcasting principles at work in an all-new way on the Internet. It will be the marketing release of the year in cosmetic dentistry and cosmetic surgery... and you heard about it all summer right here.
We still are selling The Cosmetic Channel™ at early pre-sale prices. Sales have been brisk for 7 weeks and we are ahead of projected pre-sale goals. Momentum is building.
The Cosmetic Channel™ will debut on doctors’ web sites around the country on September 15. The early pre-sale price is $240/month. If the desire for video is there, why are you waiting? This product is designed to let you be a mid- or late-adopter and still get the benefit of excellent video on your web site.
If you are interested in signing up this week, please email me at donald@dogstarmedia.com.
And, for those of you at IACA this week in Chicago and for those of you awaiting Dog Star Media’s release of the new AACS web site, remember where you are hearing this. There are several companies jumping on the pile when it comes to using video on the web. But there is only one company in both fields who is ahead of the pack in meeting your needs and desires with video. Look around. Is anyone else able to broadcast new video on YOUR web site each month? Anyone can do it on their own web site. The Cosmetic Channel™ will do it on YOUR web site. Before you buy anything this summer, I suggest you talk to me to get the big picture on web video. I am available any time.
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Price, A Thousand Words and The Cosmetic Channel™
That benefit is price... so everybody loses. I have heard at least two of the practices’ ads spending at least... and I mean at least... 85% of the air time talking about price. Then there are the rebuttal ads, decrying the other’s low price sales because their prices are always the lowest.
How does this happen? Easier than you think and, in the world of aesthetic dental and medical improvements, you don’t want to participate in a price war. And, you sure don’t want to inadvertently start a price war. Here is an easy-to-remember way to stay out of it: Never use this symbol when defining your prices: %. Stay away from the percent sign.
The fastest way to turn the value of your service into a commodity is to begin offering a percent off prices. If you are getting advice from a marketing adviser who is telling you that you can generate quick summer business by offering 25% off a service, you might pick up some quick cash but the long-term repercussions could be devastating. Look at where the price war over LASIK in Dallas has left these doctors? A market of more than 3 million people is shopping their service on price first. And the fear of losing out keeps the price war wheel turning.
If you and a set of local competitors begin to advertise the benefit of price in your advertisements, then the service you provide and your reputation begins to devalue. The majority of the market, being under-educated or uneducated in the field, will gravitate toward what appears to be the best value. Afterall, Botox is Botox... right? Do you think the average ad reader understands that the value is more about the doctor who injects the Botox than the product itself. The same is true in cosmetic dentistry, where any dentist with a whitening system can advertise cosmetic dental services.
So, if you want to offer an incentive, use the words “Special Price on...” Look at how we are rolling out The Cosmetic Channel™. We just raised the price on the early pre-sale special price of $200/month for Season 1 to $240/month. We are on our way to the full prices, which will be between $300-$450 per month depending on the subscription. Notice that we call this a version of Special Price.
Normally, I do not like the word “FREE” either. To give something away at no price demeans its inherent value. Allow me to demonstrate the proper use of FREE as an incentive to buy, leaving the value of the product intact.
The Cosmetic Channel™ will offer a show on the subcriptions for cosmetic dentists that features real patients telling their success stories with both cosmetic dentistry and neuromuscular dentistry. These are two different shows but the name of the shows will be A Thousand Words. Each four-minute show will feature four people talking for about one-minute on their experience. No dentists or practices will be named to promote any one doctor. The videos are about the beneficial experiences people have had.
We are seeking people to give these on-camera testimonials. We need 48 to complete Season 1 and we have several in place already for the early shows. However, we want to offer our clients and blog subscribers who are cosmetic dentists an opportunity to put their patients into an episode of A Thousand Words. If you are able to locate at least 4 people who would make good on-camera testimonials AND you either arrange for them to be taped in our show format or bring them to Dallas to video tape at our new Dog Star Media Studio AND you are a subscriber to The Cosmetic Channel™, then we will cut that interview footage into a promotional DVD for the participating dentist at no additional cost. That’s right, we will make you a FREE DVD that you can also use on your web site as web video. If you are interested, please email me at donald@dogstarmedia.com.
And, Cosmetic Surgeons, we are working on something special for you, too. To learn more, start by answering one question for us. How many liposuction procedures do you perform in a normal month? Email that number to me at donald@dogstarmedia.com and we will keep you posted as we develop our new, top secret project.
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Synchronicity: The Police, The Cosmetic Channel™ and the 4th of July... Is there a connection?
Aside from the thoroughly captivating performance by Sting, the most amazing thing about the show was that it was just the three band members on stage. No back up musicians. No extra instrumentation not even a back up singer. The stage almost looked too big for the act. They just got so much out of their instruments and vocals, you really felt like you got a full dose of The Police.. nothing watered down. A few songs got rearranged, a few slowed were down but all the important points were hit.
Even with torrential rain outside, nowhere to park near the arena and a crowd of fat, balding, graying old people, it was a great time.
So what in the world does all this have to do with The Cosmetic Channel™. How about price? We just finished our negotiations with our primary talent for the shows and we are getting a better picture of what the final package prices will be. For now, the early pre-sale price is going up to $225 from $200. The synchronicity? That is what I paid for each seat to sit on the floor only a few rows from the band last night. (That’s right... can you believe it?) And... the 4th of July? That is the date the early pre-sale price goes up. So, if you are thinking of getting your early pre-sale, don’t wait past the fourth. Email me now and you can save $300 this year by getting the early pre-sale price before the 4th of July.
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
The wait is over!
Concert review tomorrow.
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Exclusive Annoucement about The Cosmetic Channel™
So, here is a complete listing of the shows and episodes you can find on The Cosmetic Channel™ when it debuts in September.
For Cosmetic Surgeons:
About Face
This educational program features an overview of cosmetic surgical procedures for the face, head and neck. Shot in a feature style, each four-minute episode of About Face focuses on one specific procedure. Episodes include: Blephroplasty, Facelifts, Rhinoplasty, Otoplasty, Genioplasty and Cheek Augmentation.
Second Chance
This educational program features an overview of cosmetic surgical procedures for the body. Shot in a feature style, each four-minute episode of Second Chance focuses on one specific procedure. Episodes include: Abdominoplasty, Liposuction, Calf Implants, Pectoral Implants, Thigh Lift and Buttock Implants.
Shapes & Sizes
This educational program features an overview of cosmetic surgical procedures for the body. Shot in a feature style, each four-minute episode of Shapes & Sizes focuses on one specific procedure. Episodes include: Breast Augmentation, Mastopexy, Breast Reduction, Gynecomastia, Breast Lift and Augmentation, and the choice of surgical incisions.
Improving with Age
This educational program features an overview of injectable cosmetic treatments. Shot in a Vlog style, each four-minute episode of Improving with Age focuses on one specific treatment. Episodes include: Botox, Restylane, Hylaform, Collagen and Fat Transfer, Juvederm and Sculptra.
Only Skin Deep
This educational program features an overview of non-invasive cosmetic treatments. Shot in a Vlog style, each four-minute episode of Only Skin Deep focuses on one specific procedure. Episodes include: Lasers, Thermage, Chemical Peels, Dermabrasion, Intense Pulse Light Therapy and Hair Removal.
Here Today, Gone Tomorrow
This feature series explores the options for treating needs and conditions. Shot in an informative, feature style, each four-minute episode of Here Today, Gone Tomorrow focuses on options for treating one specific conditions. Episodes include: Wrinkles, Age/Color Spots, Sun Damage, Facial Lines, Lip Enhancement and Acne.
Road to Recovery
This feature series explores the recovery process following given procedures. Shot in an informative, feature style, each four-minute episode of Road to Recovery outlines post-operative and post-procedure recovery. Episodes include: After Breast Implants, After Laser Treatment, After Chemical Peels, After Facial Injection Procedures, Lip Enhancement and After Scar Revision.
This feature series explores the health and fitness side of preparing for and recovering from cosmetic procedures. Shot in an informative, feature style, each four-minute episode of 110% focuses on the 100% commit that we should all make to health and fitness. Episodes include: Recovering from Surgery, Before/After Liposuction, Before Breast Reduction, After Gastric Surgery, Diet for Better Skin and Developing Muscle Tone.
For Cosmetic Dentists
Smile of a Lifetime
This educational program features an overview of cosmetic dental procedures. Shot in a feature style, each four-minute episode of Smile of a Lifetime focuses on one specific treatment. Episodes include: Procelain Veneers, Whitening, Porcelain Onlays, Dental Implants, Smile Makeovers and Manufacturing Veneers.
Health in Mind
This feature series explores the options for treating needs and conditions. Shot in an informative, feature style, each four-minute episode of Health in Mind focuses on options for treating one specific conditions. Episodes include: TMJ, Gaps in Teeth, Snoring/Sleep Apnea, Mercury-Free Fillings, Periodontal Disease and Pregnancy & Dental Care.
Here Today, Gone Tomorrow
This feature series explores the options for treating needs and conditions. Shot in an informative, feature style, each four-minute episode of Here Today, Gone Tomorrow focuses on options for treating one specific conditions. Episodes include: Wrinkles, Age/Color Spots, Sun Damage, Facial Lines, Lip Enhancement and Acne.
A Thousand Words
This series features first-hand testimonials about Cosmetic Dentistry and TMJ treatment. Shot in an intimate interview style, each four-minute episode features multiple stories and testimonials.
This is a summary of Season 1 for both dentists and surgeons. Subscriptions will include between 3 and 5 videos in addition to the personalized videos you can add to your web site’s player. More on that later.
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Web Video & The Cosmetic Channel™ FAQ
I am amused at how our competitors are scrambling to jump on the video bandwagon. I am equally amused at how they have not been able to touch our ability to create custom video for Flash. I guess those Film degrees our team has are good for something afterall.
This goes back to what I have been saying for almost a year. In order to have the best video on the web, you need a company that is expert in both web design and video production. Luckily, Dog Star Media has both and it really shows when you are comparing apples with apples.
So, the video battlefield is emerging. Thus, I have summarized all the interesting and frequently asked questions from the last week that regard The Cosmetic Channel™ and web video in general. Read this to be an educated consumer.
Q: What is the price structure for TheCosmeticChannel?
A: Early pre-sale price is $200/month for Season 1. Season 1 is 12 months long.
Q: Can I add my own video to my player on The Cosmetic Channel™?
A: Yes, we can adapt your player to offer your own video. You can even customize the main greeting video. We shot a custom greeting for Dr. Reginald Rice last week where he introduces The Cosmetic Channel™ personally.
Q: How does the video search on Google work? Is this Google Universe?
A: (From Mischa Gorrell of Redbud Search)
As you know, the great majority of searches are done through the main Google search page, as opposed to their other properties (including video, image and local search). Google Universe is Google's new program to integrate these results where appropriate. For example, if you did a search through the main Google search page for "Shakira" (http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=shakira&btnG=Search), you will see not only web search results, but music, news and video search results as well.
(We detected a competitor in Canada misinforming one of our clients about this.)
Q: Does The Cosmetic Channel™ help with organic search engine optimization?
A: Yes. Your player for The Cosmetic Channel™ will pull video from our main site. Therefore, it is linked externally to a relevant, free-standing site. (See previous blogs about linking).
Q: Should I be adding my videos to YouTube?
A: (From Mischa Gorrell of Redbud Search) YouTube officially states in its Terms of Use (http://www.youtube.com/t/terms) that "use of the Website as permitted is solely for your personal, noncommercial use". This is where the line gets blurry. You will find thousands of commercials and testimonial videos on YouTube. I would suggest using YouTube if you have a quality video that provides useful information to your customers...and only as part of your overall online marketing plan. Keep in mind this is also something that needs to be monitored. Unlike your website, anyone can comment on your video and you have no control over your marketing message. This is obviously very important for brand and reputation management.
My answer is a pretty firm no. First of all I do not like that others can comment without your control and, secondly, I do not suggest knowingly violating use rules, even if they are not enforced. Clearly you can do this and YouTube is not going to track down your small business video and remove it. In general, I think it is bad form and we can do better on your web site.
Q: Can see the broadcast schedule for the shows on The Cosmetic Channel™ before I sign up?
A: Yes. This week, we will be publishing the episode lists for the shows in Season 1 of The Cosmetic Channel™. Keep checking the web site. It will evolve more than once a week for the next few weeks.
Q: Can I pick and choose the episodes I want to show on my web site’s version of The Cosmetic Channel™?
A: No. The episodes are on a schedule that will not be changed.
Q: What will the regular prices for subscriptions to The Cosmetic Channel™ be?
A: Just like subscribing to cable or satellite television, we will have subscription levels. Packages will be released after the episode schedules but right now, we have price levels set between $300-$500/month depending on the package. Try to focus on the early pre-sale subscription price of $200/month.
Q: When will The Cosmetic Channel™ launch?
A: Launch is scheduled for September 15, 2007. This is a conservative estimate. We are trying to launch early if we can.
Keep watching The Cosmetic Channel™ and keep checking this blog. You really are watching a groundbreaking project roll out.
Tuesday, June 5, 2007
Introducing The Cosmetic Channel™
The Cosmetic Channel™ adds high quality, feature-style video to your web site. It offers separate programming for cosmetic surgeons and cosmetic dentists. You can see the first season’s programming options on the landing page. The video content is available on a very affordable subscription basis and a subscribing doctor or dentist will be able to pick and choose video content for the version of The Cosmetic Channel™ that plays on his/her individual web site.
Each show has six four-minute episodes that will be changed every two months for a year. When we change the video on TheCosmeticChannel.com, it will change the video content on subscribers’ web sites, assuring that new video is posted to subscriber sites each month. For instance, one show for cosmetic surgeons is About Face, a show about facial surgeries. Here is a description of the show:
About Face
This educational program features an overview of cosmetic surgical procedures for the face, head and neck. Shot in a feature style, each four-minute episode of About Face focuses on one specific procedure. Episodes include: Blephroplasty, Facelifts, Rhinoplasty, Otoplasty, Genioplasty and Cheek Augmentation.
Just like subscribing to cable or satellite television, you can pick and choose the show content for your web site at the time of subscription. Based on the amount of content you choose, prices are an affordable $300 or $400 per month for a full season. And, between now and our September 15 debut, early subscribers can get a full season’s subscription for $100 off the monthly price. Our goal is to end the early subscription period sometime in August when we launch the first shows on The Cosmetic Channel™. Once the first shows are broadcast on the web, the early subscription period will end.
The Cosmetic Channel™ broadcasts video on subscriber web sites in Flash. This means no media players are needed. In addition, we can add The Cosmetic Channel™ to any web site. If you have made the choice to design your web site with another web designer, we can still add The Cosmetic Channel™ to your site. We can add The Cosmetic Channel™ to any web site or we can show your current web host how to do it. So, all of you with sites from our competitors can add the superior content of The Cosmetic Channel™ to your sites, too.
The Cosmetic Channel™ was born in some internal discussions at Dog Star Media. Our team listed out several of the issues related to our clients when it came to web content. One issue is that everybody wants video but not everybody can afford it. Another issue is quality of message. Not everybody is the best at accepting real sales and marketing language in their marketing materials. Another issue is our clients’ desire to portray their practices as part of a bigger movement. In most cases, either part of the neuromuscular dentistry movement or the cosmetic surgery movement. Yet another issue is the ever-present search engine optimization (SEO) issue. And, of course, everybody wants the latest and greatest.
The Cosmetic Channel™ answers all of these issues. It is affordable at only a few hundred dollars per month in subscription. The videos are professionally designed by Dog Star Media and are hosted by professional on-camera talent. The medical and dental parts of the script will be proofed by doctors and dentists to ensure accuracy. The videos will present this material in a fun, educational and entertaining style. Special videos will be available for AACS members and LVI alumni describing the merits of those schools of thought and practice. For SEO, The Cosmetic Channel™ on a subscriber’s site will pull video content from the main site, TheCosmeticChannel.com, providing a high-quality, outside link to the site. This will help subscribers with the all-important linking elements of SEO. And, of course, this is the latest and the greatest for web content. What could be better than having new, relevant, educational and entertaining video that renews itself on your site?
Wow. The Cosmetic Channel™ is open for business. You can inquire about early subscription right now at TheCosmeticChannel.com or you can email me directly at donald@dogstarmedia.com. We look forward to hooking you up to Beauty’s Home on The Internet.
Friday, June 1, 2007
Summer Movies... of course!
I have three great movies set in Summer season to recommend, all for a different taste in movies. So you are bound to find something here. Remember, try one or more and then keep coming back for more great tips.
For the sports or comedy lover... Try Long Gone. This is one of the best baseball movies out there. I even like it better than Bull Durham. Long Gone is a funny story about standing up for what is right set in the deep south of the 1950s. The team is a small minor league franchise and a young William Peterson (from CSI) stars. If you like Penn & Teller, Teller has a small role in this movie playing the comic genius Henry Gibson’s son. Teller talks in the movie.
For those of you who want a tense drama on the adult side, I highly recommend Summer of Sam. This is Spike Lee’s movie set in NYC during the unbearably hot summer of 1977. The movie focuses on the impact the Son of Sam killer (David Berkowitz) had on the city. However, I think this is Lee’s best movie to date. I lived in New York state in the summer of 1977 and I remember that time very clearly. This movie captures the cultural clashes of the time, such as the rise of the Punk music culture vs. the indulgent, drug-driven Disco culture, with a remarkable clarity. Watch this movie and you will never be able to hear some disco hits again without getting a chill down your spine.
And, finally, I highly recommend Kenneth Branagh’s Much Ado About Nothing for those of you with a liking for Shakespeare and a taste for art-house films. Sunsplashed and magnificent from the first scene when the men ride into town, this is by far the best Shakespeare adaptation to film. That includes Olivier and Gibson as Hamlet, by the way. A fantastic cast including Denzel Washington, Kate Beckinsale and Michael Keaton only helps. This is an art film with all the commercial trappings. The slow motion montage of Branagh’s Benedick and Emma Thompson’s Beatrice privately celebrating their realization that they are loved midway through the film is one of my favorite scenes of any movie. Just pure joy on film.
Writing this, I realize how much I love all of these movies. I will be seeing them this month. Give yourself a bonus. Pick a genre or two and treat yourself.
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
The Future of the Internet - Follow these links
We have reached the point on the web where content is everything. There is written content, graphics/animation and video content. (All of you who still are having SEO questions, pay attention.) All the market forces on the web are driving us into more of TV-mode on the Internet. Google will be rolling out searches that document more than just keyword text as a response to the market move toward video. ( See this article for some details http://www.itbusinessedge.com/blogs/emt/?p=133)
So, when it comes to the future of web design, we have to look at video as major player. We are going to have to design around it. Just think how much more video content is available on the web right now? Want to watch a full episode of Friday Night Lights? Click here to watch it online. Want to see... well almost anything? Click here for YouTube. And, if you need a laugh, try DotComedy.com.
And, if you have not watched my video on Internet Strategies, you can click here to see how business-to-business communications are moving to video on the web.
Other than video, what ways will we have to account for more content in future designs? We have friends who are in R+D at a major telecom company who debate the same question at their jobs. The answer is more, more and more specialized content for any one person. In other words, imagine a web page that you set up that allows you to access everything that interests or concerns you... even your favorite television channels. Several years from now, remember you heard it here first.
My site would have movie news and trailers, sports news, major news services and more. One way of accessing new content is using the widget format for web services. A web service provides content in small, headline-style bullets or images. You can see an example of how this works at yourminis.com. Any of you Apple users out there will immediately recognize this as your System X Dashboard, where you can program your personal widgets on your computer. I can tell you from using the Apple Dashboard, it is very convenient for always having your interests at your fingertips.
You can see how this will affect web design but there is a much bigger question here. On all of these video sites, you play the video on the site when you visit. For those of you who have video on your sites now, it only plays when people visit your site. What if... somehow video content and web services came together?
Next week, Dog Star Media will have a major announcement about web services and video. This ground-breaking new concept, designed for cosmetic surgeons and cosmetic dentists, will change your web content forever. For anyone who wants to come with us, we are going to jump you just far enough into the future of the web to make a huge improvement in your web strategies. Again, anyone who asks me (donald@dogstarmedia.com) can find out early.
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
3 Truths about Search Engine Placement
Okay... there has been a lot of chatter about Search Engine Optimization (SEO) in the last few weeks. Dog Star Media has a new SEO partner (which we will introduce formally to our clients and friends later this month) and, together, we will give you the definitive word on the latest in the changing world of SEO.
I thought it might be fun to start with a little myth-busting. So, here are 3 truths our DSM team learned in a little coaching session we had with our new partner this week.
Truth #1: On major search engines, linking is more important to search engines than site content.
How about that? With the growth in content that is viewed or heard... not read... the major engines have been raising the value of external linking in search algorithms (the way search engines rank sites) for years. Myth-busted: HTML is superior to Flash for SEO. The fact is that the value of all that HTML code has been shrinking in the eyes of the search engines. If you are hanging onto your HTML site for that reason, you have permission to explore what Flash can do for your.
Truth #2: Changing your web site or web server does not affect your prior organic ranking. At least it doesn’t have to affect it.
All of the organic ranking history (or what is called “trust” in the industry) you have built up over the years can be transferred by anyone who knows a very common SEO procedure called a 301 Redirect. Just like forwarding your mail when you move, a 301 Redirect is the Internet way of giving you the freedom to manage your site as needed. So, if you want to move your site down the street to another server and paint it a new color, the search engines will know where to find you. Myth-busted: Feeling trapped by a server with rising costs or bad service or hanging onto a bad design is a worthwhile trade for your organic ranking. Feel free to make the web more beautiful with a redesign and improve your tech support by shopping it around. Just remember to ask us for that 301 Redirect. And, come on... you know a good looking site when you see it. If you don’t have one, admitting you need a new look is the first step....
Truth #3: Flash can be optimized for SEO.
While HTML has the potential for more readable keywords because it is code-based design, Flash sites can be built to take advantage of the same keyword strategy. Flash sites can be designed to “call” files outside of the main Flash page. This is how DSM has created Flash sites since we converted to Macromedia Flash (the industry Gold Standard in Flash design programs) years ago. By naming the called files carefully, Flash sites can implement the same keyword strategies as HTML sites. Myth-busted: Flash is bad for SEO. Simply untrue. It is more about knowing the best keywords for your particular field and local market, than the volume of code on your site. Much more.
There is a lot more and I think all our clients and friends will benefit from our new partnership with... Gotta wait one more week. We are almost ready.
If you got anything out of this blog, I hope you feel the freedom to explore what a superior presentation on the web can do for you. It will not hurt your SEO, so why not look at Flash or Flash video? Check out our portfolio at dogstarmedia.com to see some more examples.
And, stay tuned. Dog Star Media will have yet another major announcement to make after Memorial Day. If you are new to my blog this week, you may not know that you can email me at donald@dogstarmedia.com. Many of you know if you ask me directly by email, I will tell you early if I allude to a big surprise. Let’s just say, this new concept is the first original product in cosmetic dental and surgical marketing that has been introduced in a long, long time.
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Want more brains?
Good quote. So why wouldn’t you want to use all the brains you can borrow when it comes to measuring the responses on your web site? We are finishing a lot of web sites these days and I am surprised how few want to use tracking phone numbers on their sites.
A tracking phone number is a specially issued phone number that routes to your business phone number in 1/16th of a second. It is unnoticable to the caller and no calls are missed or dropped. The use of such a number is tracked electonically, rendering all kinds of recorded information about the call: time, date, number of rings, answered or not answered, caller ID info if possible, business call or residential call and more. You can log in online to see the results 24/7.
The best part is, by placing the number in a unique location, you get an idea of how effective that particular piece of media is For instance, we have a tracking number on the DSM web site and a different tracking number on our mailers. I can just look at the tracking number results to know how and when those numbers are being used.... and often by who.
Tracking numbers cost $480/year and we can connect you with a vendor that can issue numbers as quickly as possible. We use these numbers to evaluate advertising response rates and isolated ad buys. However, I find it very useful to have on a web site.
In many of our multi-prong marketing strategies, we have learned (by using tracking numbers) that more people respond after going to a web site, regardless of what pushed them onto the site. For instance, our clients who do direct mail see a more significant response on and through the web, than from the direct mailer that starts the search process. Understanding this part of Internet marketing helps us improve the response rate by improving content on the site, including adding video of the doctor.
Here is a real life application. We have a client that was beginning to lose faith in his web strategies late last summer. He had a Flash video web site, which featured excellent welcoming video he taped and a great, resourceful web site. His placement was good and his cost per click responses were excellent. However, the click throughs on his appointment request and wish list were not up to his expectations.
We made a few cosmetic changes to the site but the biggest change was that we got him to add a tracking phone number to the site. Immediately, we saw that about 20 calls a month were coming from the web site. Knowing this, restored this client’s faith in the web strategy and in his latest report, we see about 40 calls per month for the last few months.
So, is the web strategy working if people choose to call in after seeing the site rather than emailing or filling out a wish list? Absolutely. It is even a stronger validation of the site as these people are obviously getting the number from the site itself.
This is a perfect example of using as many brains as you can get your hands on. The way I like to think of it is: Unique Tracking Number: $480..... Knowing the exact direct response from your web site: Priceless.
Dog Star Media can connect you with a tracking number vendor. Normally, we only refer this for web sites we have designed. But, through the end of July, I will waive that requirement. If you want a tracking number for your web site, whether we designed it or now, just email me at donald@dogstarmedia.com.