Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Enhanced Statistics for Mobile Use on Google.

If there was even a question about the importance of understanding mobile traffic statistics, Google announced last week that and enhanced version of their Analytics program was on the way. One of the features is upgraded and more thorough reporting on mobile use.

This is sure to help anyone who is paying attention to fine tune their web strategies to maximize visits that come in via mobile devices. Before I wrote this, I took a quick look at a few of our clients’ Analytics dashboards. All were up over 20% mobile traffic. This time last year, 12-15% was high. Now, almost everyone is near 20% with many over and on their way to the next benchmark of 25%.

Anyone following this blog knows we are offering a mobile site special until the end of the year: a 15-page smart phone site for only $1000 (an $800 savings). The reason for this special is to draw attention to the importance of having a mobile site specialized for smart phones AT THE LEAST. For years, the focus has been on driving more traffic to web sites, then the expectation of refined traffic (or better traffic) made its way into the equation. Now, just about everyone with some experience as a web site owner knows the value of more and better traffic. However, the market seems very slow to adopt the idea that there is a huge difference in site presentation based on the hardware used to view the site. On a smart phone, standard sites are more difficult to use, read and navigate. Some elements don’t even show up.

All the work you have done to make sure you are getting more, better traffic is undermined if you do not have a mobile site. One in five viewers is likely on a mobile device. And, that is today’s norm. Next year, if the trends hold, we will be talking about almost one in three coming to your site via a mobile device. The tipping point is here. 20% is a very significant statistic. And, we want you to be prepared. If you need a mobile site or have questions about how this works, please email me at donald@dogstarmedia.com.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Everyone should use tracking phone numbers

Thanksgiving is this week so I thought I would focus on what most of my clients are thankful for: accurate measurements. Yes, this is the gift that keeps on giving.

Marketing is both an art and a science. The science part, just like any other science, begins with measurements. And, it does not matter how much time and resources you spend on marketing, if you do not know what the results are, then you are spinning your wheels. And, I mean real results... the results you want to know... how much of the results turned into business.

There are a lot of ways to measure marketing. On the web it is impressions, site visits, pages visited, time on site, bounce rate, etc. There are a lot of stats. But the primary stat you want to know is: How many calls were generated? The only way to know that for sure in ANY medium is to measure incoming calls with technology. This can only be done with tracking telephone numbers.

Tracking telephone numbers are the least expensive service we offer but they are by far the most valuable tool we have at our disposal. A tracking number is a unique number placed in one location, for instance on your web site. Calls on that number route electronically and immediately to your real phone number and in the process all details of the call are recorded. You learn who called (Caller ID), how long the call lasted, was it answered or not, time of day the call was made and you can even record the call to hear how it went. This is a MAJOR advantage that allows you to make adjustments and refinements to your big picture marketing plan and evaluate how your selling is going over the phone.

In my world, tracking numbers are must! At only $480/year or $40/month, if you are not using tracking numbers at least on your main sources of incoming calls, you must not want to know the real numbers. I am so committed to the use of these numbers, I have the following offer to make.

All of our tracking numbers come up for renewal on Feb. 1 of each year. If you order one mid-year, the price is pro-rated. So, since we are near the renewal date, I will pay the December and January fees for any new tracking numbers that are ordered before the Feb. 1 renewal date. So, in essence I will give you two months on me to test out how this service can be a major eye-opener.

If you are interested in ordering a tracking number with no payment until February, essentially two months at no cost to you, please email me today at donald@dogstarmedia.com. I will be happy to get you set up with the most effective marketing tool out there... the simple tracking telephone number.

Monday, November 14, 2011

So, what is your holiday gift to your business?

Just like so many people trying to use the remains of their Health Savings Accounts, many of our clients each year look to make a late-year purchase to get next year’s marketing help on this year’s budget. Dog Star Media has a holiday history of absorbing those last minute tax-inspired purchases.

In the past several years, clients have made the following holiday purchases for their businesses and they were gifts that keep on giving:

- A year of SEO
- A new web site... on Holiday special (just ask)
- A mobile web site to address their mobile traffic
- Video for their web site... on Holiday special (again, just ask).

So, if you are finding yourself at the intersection of needing to make a key business expense for tax reasons and making a needed move that can improve your marketing for all of 2012, why not act now? What is your biggest marketing need right now? As the year ticks down, let’s talk about how we can help you get both a short-term benefit and a long-term benefit with your next purchase. Please contact me at donald@dogstarmedia.com and let me know how we can help.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Google Analytics and Mobile Stats

I was at the Tulsa Surgical Arts course last weekend and one of the questions that got a lot of discussion was mobile web sites. So, I thought I would reiterate how to determine your needs regarding mobile sites.

First off, there are three kinds of sites these days in general... standard web sites, smart phone sites and tablet sites. Standard web sites are sites designed for best use on computers and laptops. Smart phone sites show best on smart phones and tablet sites show best on tablets like iPads. And, yes, it is possible for a standard site in HTML to be seen on all three kinds of hardware. But, statistics show that when the site is not built for the hardware, the experience diminishes.

This is why we have established a few benchmarks that are easy to follow. Log into your Google Analtyics and click on the Visitors menu button. Click on Mobile and it will show you your mobile use.

If you 5% of your traffic is via mobile or iPad devices, it’s time to get a starter mobile site. When that number reaches 10%, you should have the site in place. A vast majority of our clients are reaching up to and beyond 20% mobile traffic, so much so that they are requiring both mobile and iPad sites because the percentage of iPad users is so significant.

One thing to consider is the number of users that make up those percentages. If you are a high traffic site, even a low percentage of mobile or iPad users can make up several hundred visits. So, use the percentages as a guideline and use common sense to guide you when deciding to accommodate visitors using these mobile hardwares.

The bottom line is this: you should be most appealing to all users regardless of the hardware they are using. With more and more users going mobile and user trends following right along, it‘s important to not appear outdated because you don’t have a mobile or iPad site that makes the experience as good as possible for the mobile or iPad user.

If you have any questions on mobile or iPad sites or if you want to add these to your Internet strategy, please email me at donald@dogstarmedia.com.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Web Site Design Special

Each year at this time, we go to Tulsa Surgical Arts for the best cosmetic breast surgery course going, hosted by Dr. Angelo Cuzalina. When attending the course, we always offer a $1500 course special for HTML/Flash web sites that are ordered during the course.

Here are a couple reasons why, if you are looking for a boost to your Internet strategy that a new web site is a good idea. First off, a good web site redesign takes into consideration what your current traffic finds interesting about your business or practice. We do this by reviewing your analytics before designing your site map. If we have objective knowledge that your site users are interested in certain subject matter on your site, we make it prominent so it is easy to find.

Second, a fresh revision on content can make a big difference in your SEO. New, fresh content can impact your relevance on search terms. It usually is accompanied by a bounce in traffic because clients will tell all their friends and create a wave of interest. That helps your rankings, too.

And, most people are motivated by aesthetics so getting a fresh new look can be a great reason to revise your web site. What starts with updating your look can also include improving your calls to action and your site functions.

If you are thinking about updating your site, getting a new web site or improving your Internet strategy, this $1500 special is the best special we offer each year on our most popular kind of web site for cosmetic surgeons and cosmetic dentists. If you are interested in ordering a site during this special offer (which expires on Saturday at the end of the course at 5PM), please email me at donald@dogstarmedia.com.