Tuesday, February 26, 2008

10 signs you need a new web site

Unlike one of David Letterman’s Top 10 lists, this one is not funny at all. I see some pretty puny web sites every day. And, it is not uncommon for people to call me wanting a new web site, making apologies for how bad or old their web site is. No kidding. I hear about 3-4 apologies per month about inadequate web sites.

We all know the first step in solving a problem is acknowledging there is a problem. So, here are 10 common signs you need new web site if you are a cosmetic surgeon or cosmetic dentist.

1) Your first impression is dated.
The old saying about not getting a chance to make a first impression is 100% true. It is a pretty good bet that, if a prospect is looking at your web site, they also are looking at your competitors’ sites. If they look more professional, more Internet-savvy or just overall more visually pleasing, then your site is hurting you.

2) You have no Flash animation.
You do not have to have a Flash web site to make a great impression online. You can have a great look in HTML. But something on the home page should have some animation to it. Flash can be added to an HTML web site to add that expected step in quality.

3) Your web site looks like a bulletin board.
This is the unfortunate result of not beginning with the end in mind. It starts most innocuously when you ask a web designer to add this product label, or this section, or this link. In time, it is possible to make our web site look like a house with a do-it-yourself addition built on way after the fact.

4) Your web site is old.
The web has been around long enough for some web sites to become old. If your web site was designed before 2006, it probably looks like it... to everyone. Design trends change and if your site does not have a classic design, it may look old.

5) Your web site is a Yellow Pages web site.
Come on. Does this need an explanation?

6) Your web site does not offer multiple ways to gather information.
These days, the Internet supports all kinds of learning styles. Some people like to just sit back and watch. Some people want to listen. Some people want to read. Some people want to download. Your web site should communicate with people the way they want to receive the information. If it doesn’t, you are losing ground. This is why video of the doctor on the site is so important. And, it is why you don’t want a web site that is written with the complexity and density of a college research project.

7) You got a “deal” on a web site or a family member made your site for you.
This is scenario almost always results in a substandard design.

8) Your site is composed of long, scrolling pages.
This gets bad marks for style and content. Most of today’s Internet users prefer short, benefits-oriented copy or scripts. Giving them “the bullet” rather than a dissertation is now what is expected. And, long scrolling pages went out in the first Bush Administration in terms of style.

9) You haven’t updated your web site.
You have just let it sit and your practice has outgrown the site.

10) You realize that your web site is the front line for your marketing.
A new web site every year is certainly not necessary but updates to your web strategy should occur on an annual basis. Whether you realize it or not, this is the front line and the content on your site is the first place people are likely to see you.

If you see yourself or your web site in this Top 10 list, don’t hesitate to call or email me.

Monday, February 18, 2008

They call it Rich Media for a reason

February 15 has come and gone and, true to form, people are ordering web sites. Every year at this time it seems like people with web site needs (a polite way to put it) step forward to begin curing their Internet ills.

If you are having one of these reflective moments about your web site, here are some current thoughts on Internet content you should be considering.

1) You can have a Flash web site and search engine optimization at the same time. If you are dying for rich media like Flash or Flash video but the SEO fearmongers out there have you convinced you can’t have both, you should do your homework. There are a number of ways to have the best of both worlds. If you need it explained, just email me at donald@dogstarmedia.com.

2) Rich media indulges the user experience. People want to watch video, see people and read less. Just like in education, the more senses you engage the more points stick. They call it rich media for a reason! The experience is just better. If you have to wade through pages and pages of written content on your web site, you are simply not making it as easy as possible.

3) Put yourself in the user’s position. Shop online for a luxury car. The same way that choosing cosmetic surgery or cosmetic dentistry is a major upgrade-type purchase for a prospect, shop online for a luxury car. Shop for your major upgrade-type automobile. What do you see on those web sites? Does your web site offer the user this sort of experience? Now here is the kicker... Your web site users are probably looking at those higher end web sites, too.

4) If something inside you is telling you to add video, don’t ignore it. Video on the web has gone from “cool extra” to “expected” on quality web sites. Video is the richest media of all.

And, finally, 5) If your site was produced more than a few years ago, you need to ask some serious questions. Chiefly, is the site dated both in design and capability? Do you realize that your web site is often the first impression you and your practice gets to make?

You should review your web site at least once a year. If you are doing this, or if I have given you something to think about, I suggest you look around and give yourself an informed basis from which to form an opinion. And, of course, I recommend Dog Star Media for your next web site design.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Content, Video and The Cosmetic Channel™

There has been a lot going on over the past few weeks in my blog, so I haven't had the opportunity to introduce the first version of The Cosmetic Channel™. Now that we have launched this site, you can see some of the big picture of what we are planning with this concept. Our ultimate goal with The Cosmetic Channel™ is to create the top source of web content about cosmetic procedures.

What do I mean by “content?” Content is meat on the bone. It is not a teasing question that requires click-through for more. And, really, if your web site is not about content... and interesting content at that... you are behind the times on the web. The battles on the Internet right now is being fought with content. They are blogs, vlogs, web video, downloadable information, written expression and more. There is written content, audio content, video content, opinion content, news content... to name a few. And, when it comes to content about cosmetic procedures, it will come from, through or on The Cosmetic Channel™... Beauty’s Home on The Internet.

We introduced the first concept last June with The Cosmetic Channel™ video service. You can see more about this and see some samples of all the shows here: http://www.thecosmeticchannel.com/thecosmeticchannel.html.
Just like a web service (which adds content that is typically written or HTML-like layout to your web site), our video service adds new video content to a web site. This service went online in September and dozens of practices feature programming from The Cosmetic Channel™.

If you want original, entertaining, relevant video content added to your web site, you can add The Cosmetic Channel™ web service for only $240/month. Just email me to get an order form.

Next, we introduced our series of post-surgical DVDs. Beginning this month, The Cosmetic Channel™ goes offline and into patients’ homes with excellent, new health and fitness content for post-surgical recovery. The first two titles: Liposuction and a Healthy Lifestyle and Cosmetic Breast Surgery and a Healthy Lifestyle will deliver to group of cosmetic surgeons that is getting longer each day. To learn more about the DVD series, you can learn more here: http://www.thecosmeticchannel.com/dvd.html.

So, where is all this going? As we build the name of The Cosmetic Channel™, we will encourage visitors to our web site to participate on a chat board that features both cosmetic dentists and cosmetic surgeons. I checked the Internet... I think it is the only one.

The bottom line is: If it is about cosmetic services... dental, surgical or non-surgical... you can get more information through, by or on The Cosmetic Channel™.

More is coming but I wanted to refocus on what you can have immediately. If you are heading into the year wanting to add video onto your web site, I strongly suggest the web service. We can add it to your web site in less than 24 hours and new video is added each month. If you are interested in adding new, relevant video content to your web site, contact me at donald@dogstarmedia.com.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

It's time for that post again

Two to three times a year, I have to make this post. It's the you need to relax post.

I've sent this message pre-blog when gas prices first pushed past $2.50/gallon a year ago last summer. I wrote it last summer during a very common slowdown. And, right on schedule, it is time for this post again.

The fact is very few small businesses can avoid business cycles. There are times when things are slow. This is when I try to calm clients and tell them that pushing through slow times is a way to remind them to add marketing tactics, not give in to a bunker mentality.

This time, don't just take it from me. Take it from Mark Cuban. Anyone who does not know the owner of The Dallas Mavericks (my NBA team) and noted billionaire entrepreneur. There is a lot of techno/big business mumbo jumbo in his blog at http://www.blogmaverick.com. But every once in a while, you get some gold that is meant for every business owner out there that needs a shot in the arm. I encourage you to read his blog post from December 30 of last year. The title of the post is The One Thing You Can Control in Life: Effort.

Read it and, if you are experiencing some slowness and are kneejerking about the economy, don't contribute to the down part of the cycle. We are helping lots of people make positive efforts right now. If you feel like you need a boost, just email me at donald@dogstarmedia.com.