Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Mark Your Calendars for September

September is going to be big! So mark these dates on your calendar.

Thursday, September 6. Each year this is one of my favorite days... the kickoff of the National Football League season. If you are a pro football fan, visit my blog on Fridays. (There will be no email alert on Fridays so you will have to remember on your own.) Each Friday, a select group of Dog Star Media employees, friends of Dog Star and Dog Star clients will stick their necks out in a Sudden Death Football Pool. So far, DSM employees Charlie Patric, Jason Lim and I are playing, Jennifer Jens the sporty girl from The Cosmetic Channel™ is in (watch out for her... she knows her football), DSM client Samir Pancholi from Cosmetic Surgery of Las Vegas is in and so are friends of Dog Star Mark Collins and Barry Williams. I am clearly the favorite as my lifetime percentage straight up (around 70%) will attest. The game is Sudden Death. Pick one winner per week and you can only pick each team once. Please no wagering. This contest is for honor only and anyone who wants to play is welcome to join. Just email me.

Saturday, September 8 - Dog Star Media will announce the upcoming release of a new product exclusively for doctors who perform liposuction. We will make the announcement at the Facial Rejuvenation Course held that weekend at Tulsa Surgical Arts. Once the announcement is made live in Tulsa, an email will go out to everyone in my blog email alert. If you perform liposuction, do not miss this annoucement.

Saturday, September 15 - The Cosmetic Channel™ goes live! Thirteen shows debut and the regular price schedule will go into effect. The early shows are great... very informative and entertaining. Nothing like you have seen before. Subscriptions are still available for cosmetic dentists and cosmetic surgeons at $240/month for the 12-month Season 1. If you are interested, email me at donald@dogstarmedia.com.

Dog Star Media has some more cool things coming this fall. Stay tuned.