Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Making the Best First Impression

On Feb. 26, I wrote a blog about the Top 10 Reasons You Need a New Web Site and there was a monster response. It was one of the biggest click-throughs I have ever had from my blog readership.

Last week, it happened again when I debuted two new sites. This is why metrics are important. Anytime I write about web site design, more of you click through, stay longer to read and tend to ask questions. You obviously want more on this, so here it is.

We have many clients that we help measure their web stats, their call stats, their email stats and more. One of the trends that is head and shoulders above all others is that first impressions are made on the web. We have seen solid trends that direct mail and media advertising results in a rise in web hits, more so than direct call responses. In other words, people would rather check out their prospective cosmetic doctor or dentist in the privacy of their own home rather than risk that little bit of space they need to give up if they call or show up. If you don't believe me, try it yourself. Use technological ways to track prospect responses online and offline and see for yourself.

People will check you out online first. So, what does this mean? It should tell you that two elements are absolutely critical. One is a memorable URL. If you have some tricked up, shortened down acronym for a URL, you may as well punt on people remembering it. Your name, even though you want name recognition, should not be your only site. Come up with something memorable for the mainstream and hang the site on that, too. It is not illegal for you to have more than one web site. Make yourself memorable, they way John Q. Public might be able to remember you.

Secondly, if you have an outdated look to your site. If it is not fresh and impressive.... what are you doing? You do not get a second chance to make first impression! With a great design, using rich media like video, Flash or interesting graphics, you can let people know you are an impressive and capable practice. If you are throwing down a 2002-style web site, you might not get a second look.

These are two tips that you should immediately take to heart if the phone is ringing a little less these days. If times are going to be a little tighter, you have to compete for every opportunity. What is the first impression you are making on those opportunities?

If you need help, email me at donald@dogstarmedia.com.