Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Yet Another New Web Site and Video for Your Reception Room on DVD

Congratulations to Charlie Morgan, DDS and his team at Stonebrook Dental in Frisco, Texas. His new Flash Video web site debuted last week at StonebrookDental.net. Yet another great example of how video of the doctor changes the game in marketing.

When I speak at workshops and CME courses about the best uses of video in marketing, I always point out that video drops (like the ones you see on this web site) take meeting the doctor from the end of the process to the beginning of the process. I think everyone can agree that all new prospective patients will check you out on the web. Under normal circumstances, if the web site enlightens or validates, next comes a phone call. If your front desk does well, then you move to an appointment of consultation. Only then, does the patient get to meet the doctor. And, this is the single biggest determining factor in whether someone will choose your practice.

So, why not make that first impression much earlier at a point where it can be done well and multiplied over and over for no additional cost in time or effort? Video of the doctor on a web site accomplishes this. It is a great use of media which can be added to both HTML and Flash sites. Generally, it looks better integrated into a Flash site but it can work well in HTML, too.

DVDs for Cosmetic Dentists
Charlie Morgan is also part of a group of LVI-trained dentists that will be featured in a new project by The Cosmetic Channel™ this summer. Many of you dentists who receive my blog also know David Buck and Ken Collins from LVI. All three will be featured in their own talk show series covering the topics Porcelain Veneers , Whitening, Dental Implants, TMJ and its treatment, Bio-compatible options for dentistry and What does a smile makeover mean to people. Each talk show (six (6), four-minute episodes) will create a 24-minute DVD that you can buy to play on looping DVD in your reception room. Each 24-minute DVD featuring one doctor (who will only be identified with a first name and initial) is priced at $960 and if you order it before August 31, we will customize :15 second between-show “bumpers” about your practice, making the DVD customized with your message.

DVDs for Cosmetic Surgeons
We have already been filling orders for looping reception room DVDs for Cosmetic Surgeons with our programming from The Cosmetic Channel™. Again each show is priced at $960 and each show contains six (6) four-minute episodes. Your choices right now are: Facial Surgeries, Breast Surgeries, Body Surgeries, Injectable Treatments and Skin Treatments. We are working on two new shows for the fall on facial surgeries. One is even in Spanish language!

Special Offer for Ordering In-office DVDs before August 31, 2008.
Anyone ordering looping in-office DVDs before August 31 will receive two special bonues. First we will customize your DVDs with between show bumpers at no additional cost. This service is normally priced at our video one-minute minimum charge of $1200. A second benefit of purchasing in-office DVDs before August 31, 2008 is you will be placed on the email list for an exclusive bonus blog I will be writing over the summer. Reading this blog will give you some in-depth consulting on the following topics:

1) The word Makeover is not dead… how to use it in your practice.
2) Patient Zero: Using complex human transmission scenarios to understand networking
3) How to calculate your Return on Investment
4) How to be “First” in your market
5) Media strategies for the Information Age.

The only way to get this blog consultation is to sign up for at least one looping DVD show.

If you are going to make one marketing purchase this summer, why not make it video, either for your web site or for your reception room? I will be writing more about Video-Intensive Practices (VIP) in the weeks to come. These two uses of video are two main planks in a VIP strategy. If you want to talk about video for your web site or order a DVD for your reception room, just email me at donald@dogstarmedia.com.