Tuesday, September 23, 2008

A Great, New Flash Web Site!

Congratulations to Drs. Albert and Michelle Carlotti! Last week we launched the new DesertPalmSurgical.com. This new web site uses great photo content and the beauty of Flash to create such a high-end image. It really is a great web site.

We all know what is going on in the financial markets but the people who are pushing forward with their new marketing initiatives should be commended for their long-term vision. One of the things I notice through business cycles is how some people put planned projects on hold and suspend ongoing infrastructure efforts. These are usually the folks that never get anything happening consistently, thus perpetuating ongoing business cycles.

In a few weeks, when the financial crisis has been addressed and we are into the momentum caused by the election, everyone will get back to business as usual. This is for certain. If you are not following through with your plans now for fear of how things will be working out, all you are doing is creating a longer down cycle. Having been through all the peaks and valleys of recent years, it is the best advice I can give everyone. There is business out there. You always have to be sharpening the sword on how to find that new business. Like hanging a new web site like this and the others we are working on right now. And, the videos. And the direct marketing. Just don’t let a short-term economic scare get you into a rut that can last longer. There’s a chance that your competitors are not sitting around waiting things out. On a macro level, I can tell you that we are getting as many new business requests as we usually do this time of year. I want to encourage you not to make yourself fall behind.