Tuesday, May 19, 2009

New Web Site - HTML Unlimited

So, how good can we make a content managed web site look? Here is a good example, the new web site for Reactive Nutrition.

This is one of our new HTML Unlimited sites. With a custom design by Dog Star Media, this new content managed format allows unlimited changes which the client can make themselves, including navigational additions and adjustments. Most content managed sites have a certain amount of structure that is built in. It is this structure that enables the content management so it is there. However with a custom design by Dog Star Media, we are able to disguise those qualities and produce a content managed site that is just as beautiful and compelling as if we had designed it in HTML or Flash from scratch.

Our new HTML Unlimited package offer you the best of both worlds, an excellent high-end design from one of the leading designers in cosmetic dentistry and cosmetic surgery and the ability to manage the site on your own if you choose. HTML Unlimited can be augmented with one Flash module or header just like you see on Reactivenutrition.com, so if you are considering HTML for the format for your site, why not choose the best design and the most control. Our new HTML Unlimited package offers just that.

For more information on HTML Unlimited and our other custom web site design options, please email me today at donald@dogstarmedia.com.