Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Database Marketing and Image of Difference Campaigns

I had a very interesting conversation with John Rose, DDS and Sarah who does his on-site marketing work in our coaching meeting this month. Now, granted, Dr. Rose has been a client for a while and they are very active, so don’t be intimidated. However, I wanted to tell this example to everyone because it shows how easy it is to put in a strong campaign with little effort once you have bought into the idea of database marketing.

Database marketing is at the heart of One-to-One Marketing, which is a Dog Star Media staple. It is the idea that we are going to touch people in our circle of influence on a regular basis, collecting information from them about there specific wants and needs from what they tell us but also based on measurements of what they do (such as click through specific links).

Dr. Rose is a regular email marketer. His practice posts numerous blogs and regularly sends email marketing in addition to what he receives from our monthly marketing email. In addition, they are one of our better Facebook users. It didn’t happen over night but he has worked up to it.

In our meeting, Dr. Rose asked about an information campaign that gives specific reasons why to choose his practice over others. We call this an Image of Difference campaign. There are usually multiple points in an Image of Difference campaign and he already had ideas on several talking points. The best way to do this is one idea at a time, separating the ideas so we can measure specific responses to messages abou those topics. We quickly put this into his two database marketing strategies: email marketing/blog and Facebook. In the next few weeks, we are organizing the topics, assigning dates and coordinating his blog/email marketing with his Facebook posts to create an Image of Difference topic for each week or two-week time period. Everyone in his circle of influence will be touched several times in those intervals with different versions of the same message.

The best part is that this can be organized up front, written up front and pre-programmed for the most part to avoid it becoming a laborious task that can be forgotten and blown off if things get busy. Messaging strategies work best with familiar audiences. This is a simple plan for messaging to his circle of influence but it will be very effective. We are taking a simple and segmented message to a familiar and friendly audience through free and very low-cost media. I really like this strategy, too, because with both mediums we can get feedback based on behavior, giving us further insight as to who is interested in what.

Great work, Dr. Rose, Sarah and the rest of his team. You are earning your One-to-One Marketing wings. Now just keep feeding that database!

If you have any questions about database marketing, circle of influence marketing, email marketing, social networking strategies or Image of Difference campaigns, please email me today at donald@dogstarmedia.com.