Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Mobile: The Top-Down Push

An article I saw over the weekend on Tech Crunch puts out some fine points on how the big advertisers are addressing the emergence of the mobile hardware as a primary means of connectivity.

A lot of the information in this article by David Hewitt, who is the VP and global mobile practice lead at SapientNitro, is about how large advertisers will address this emerging trend. However, if you have any questions about the importance of mobile strategies, you should read it. Why? Because it’s clear this is not cutting edge stuff any more. It’s not even leading edge. It is here and if the big boys are focusing there, it means that the broad market is there. And, wherever the broad market is, niche markets are hidden inside.

Want a few quick hits from this article that apply to your practice’s mobile strategy? Here are a few:

“2012 will be the year of getting websites and relevant marketing assets optimized for tablets, not just smartphones — especially as tablets continue to heat up for mobile commerce and chip away at market share for everyday PC tasks.”


“Much of 2011′s mobile marketing budgets were still made up of slush fund ad budgets. Expect to see more purposeful campaigns and sizable budgets set aside for mobile.”

In other words, get serious about mobile strategies, both smartphone and tablet (iPad). 2011 was the year everyone got their feet wet with mobile strategies. And, just like everything else, the moment a certain medium becomes established with an audience, there is a “working it out” phase where early adopters figure out the best strategies. Once that period passes... like it did in 2011, then the landrush is on. And, pretty much, in 2012 if you are not ready to compete with mobile and iPad sites, you are going to be lagging behind.

If you are ready to start or upgrade your smartphone or iPad sites, please contact me today at donald@dogstarmedia.com.