Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Great use of video on a web site

I heard the song “Come Together” by John Lennon the other day. You know the line, “One thing I can tell you is that you’ve got to be free?” Well, it made me think about this theme of access I have been promoting all year.

Think about it. As the doctor or dentist you are driving the billing for your practice. Seeing you and being with you is not free... and to the degree you are not free costs you. The paradox in all of this is that if you could offer yourself more often and more in-depth to more people, then you would increase your influence and therefore your income potential.

So, somehow, you have got to be free.

Look at this new Dog Star Media designed web site to see how you can be free to others more often: MiddletonCosmetic.com. Dr. Bill Middleton appreciates the power of video and had us add an entire video section to his web site. In that section, he spends a lot of time with the viewer, offering access to himself for free. With hundreds of people seeing the site every month, he is spending more time with new prospects than any competitor is because of he is using the power of video.

So, now more than ever, John Lennon and I are both right... you’ve got to be free. If you want to add video to your web site, use it in your reception room or create custom video to send home with patients for referral purposes, email me at donald@dogstarmedia.com.