Tuesday, July 29, 2008

A New Web Site, A New Strategy and New Partners

Congratulations to Advanced Dermatology in McAlester, Oklahoma on their new web site. You can see it at: advanceddermatologyinc.com. In the next few weeks, we will be adding video drops of Dr. Gary Augter to this site, which is what we recommend to help the doctor make the best first impression on visitors.

It is great to see doctors in both small and large markets choosing video to enhance their web sites’s appeal. Video is just becoming so common on the web that our early-adopting clients must be feeling pretty good right now having their video up while so many others are just now making the choice to use custom video. Just remember, it is the hallmark of a VIP (Video-Intensive Practice) to have video on the web site. It is one of the three important places video should be working for your practice. The other two are in your reception area and in the patients’ homes.

Finally, here is a big announcement from The Cosmetic Channel. Most of you know that we like to kick off new campaigns by introducing them at Tulsa Surgical Art’s September CME workshop. This year it is September 5-7. If you are not a cosmetic surgeon or if you are one and are not attending this course on Facial Surgeries, don’t worry, we will be emailing out a special presentation for you from the course. Here is your announcement for now, though. At this September’s course in Tulsa, we will be introducing our PATIENT ZERO STRATEGY.

We will have some teasers in my blog and on TheCosmeticChannel.com but what I will tell you now is that the PATIENT ZERO is about making more referrals. One more hint... Yes, anyone with some medical training has probably come across this term. I am happy to take anyone’s guesses by email if you want to try to figure out the significance of the term PATIENT ZERO.

Finally, you all will be seeing a lot about a new, cost-free marketing service we have been putting together behind the scenes this summer. In August, we will introduce you to a new service offered by a team of the top marketing companies in aesthetic marketing. Several partners have signed on but today I wanted to tell you about Practice Helpers, an newsletter service for cosmetic and plastic surgeons. Practice Helpers is one a handful of commitments we got this week for this new marketing service. Why not click on the link I provided to learn more about their services.

Send me your guesses about the meaning of PATIENT ZERO at donald@dogstarmedia.com.