Tuesday, December 2, 2008

See... it works

Before Thanksgiving, I visited with one of my coaching clients, Charlie Morgan, a cosmetic dentist in Frisco. I recommend to my coaching clients some basics. One of those basics is email marketing, a staple of Circle of Influence Marketing. My formula is simple. Write a blog and email market it out to your patient database on email.

I gave him a few tips on content and he used my blog as a guideline. The email marketing engine he purchased costs less than $30/month. He wrote a blog on biocompatibility in dentistry and emailed it out. Shortly afterward, he had a new $3000 case reply from the email.

I have seen this work many times but never so quickly. That is certainly not guaranteed but it does show that efforts are rewarded. Let’s break down what happened.

Charlie used one of my Circle of Influence strategies, meaning he offered access to himself and his opinions to people who already trust him. This increases the odds of the effort working by a factor of 10X. It is easier to upgrade or sell new services when a relationship already exists.

Second, he took the initiative, choosing a measurable, easy to use and technologically superior media to reach out with a minimum of cost.

Third, he focused his message on the email. There was one idea, one easy link to click. In other words it was not confusing. Just good marketing, message wise.

Fourth, he factored out luck by being active. You also do this by being consistent and smart about your message and targets. In other words follow your coaching.

If you are not using this Circle of Influence strategy, you are leaving opportunity on the table. Even in tight times, business is out there. You need to be smart about how you find it. We talk about what it takes to compete in a tough economy. This is a must. Working your Circle of Influence is vital. And, what is worse, if you are not doing it, you are leaving the door open for a competitor to gain an advantage with YOUR Circle of Influence. You could be playing offense and defense at the same time with this simple strategy.

This is exactly the sort of thing we focus upon in my coaching program. Want to know how to do this and other techniques that can help you market more smartly? Finally ready to put in a marketing infrastructure? My coaching program is only $300/month. Why not call me to enroll? Just email me at donald@dogstarmedia.com if you want to discuss it?