Tuesday, November 25, 2008

What makes a great web site?

Last week, when I debuted WowSmileNow.com in my blog there was a pretty consistent response. Lots of people emailed and commented that they loved it. Yes, it is a great design, we agree.

And, wait until you see what we will be rolling out next. A new gold standard is about to be set for using a web site to introduce the doctor to the Internet user. Stay tuned for that but it does raise the question about the important of a great web site right now.

One of the side-effects of a tightening market is that swords get sharpened. There has been a high concentration of inquiries from clients and new prospects about increasing the strength of their Internet strategy. Something I have preached about in this blog and in my seminar presentations is becoming apparent to a lot of people. You can have a web site that just sits out there in cyberspace looking pretty or you can have an active Internet strategy. Surprisingly many over the years have been happy just to hang a site. Now, the emphasis is clearly on making it work. Why?

It is apparent that nearly all new prospects flow through the web site at some point. Either they find you on the web and it is your first impression or your web site is a validating tool. In both cases, you stand only to lose if your site is not competitive. And,the fact is that Flash is just a more rich presentation that you can make work for you. And, of course you can optimize Flash for search engines a number of ways. With more tire-kicking going on, I think a lot of people are realizing that this is an edge they need to have.

One of the most requested changes people are making now is to add video of themselves to the important part of the web site. Another is the full-scope redesign of web sites. For others who are starting practices, there is no blinking in investing in Flash web site. Anything to get that edge on the web.

This is a good sign all around. But the message is the battle on the web has shifted again, with an uptick in quality. To answer the most common questions, you can have video added to your web site in less than 5 weeks if you can prioritize your shooting. It is the quickest upgrade possible. The longest lasting, the Flash web site. It is what you see in WowSmileNow.com. And it is what doctors are doing to make sure they are properly represented on the web. If you want to make this move, please email me at donald@dogstarmedia.com.