Wednesday, February 6, 2008

It's time for that post again

Two to three times a year, I have to make this post. It's the you need to relax post.

I've sent this message pre-blog when gas prices first pushed past $2.50/gallon a year ago last summer. I wrote it last summer during a very common slowdown. And, right on schedule, it is time for this post again.

The fact is very few small businesses can avoid business cycles. There are times when things are slow. This is when I try to calm clients and tell them that pushing through slow times is a way to remind them to add marketing tactics, not give in to a bunker mentality.

This time, don't just take it from me. Take it from Mark Cuban. Anyone who does not know the owner of The Dallas Mavericks (my NBA team) and noted billionaire entrepreneur. There is a lot of techno/big business mumbo jumbo in his blog at But every once in a while, you get some gold that is meant for every business owner out there that needs a shot in the arm. I encourage you to read his blog post from December 30 of last year. The title of the post is The One Thing You Can Control in Life: Effort.

Read it and, if you are experiencing some slowness and are kneejerking about the economy, don't contribute to the down part of the cycle. We are helping lots of people make positive efforts right now. If you feel like you need a boost, just email me at