Monday, February 18, 2008

They call it Rich Media for a reason

February 15 has come and gone and, true to form, people are ordering web sites. Every year at this time it seems like people with web site needs (a polite way to put it) step forward to begin curing their Internet ills.

If you are having one of these reflective moments about your web site, here are some current thoughts on Internet content you should be considering.

1) You can have a Flash web site and search engine optimization at the same time. If you are dying for rich media like Flash or Flash video but the SEO fearmongers out there have you convinced you can’t have both, you should do your homework. There are a number of ways to have the best of both worlds. If you need it explained, just email me at

2) Rich media indulges the user experience. People want to watch video, see people and read less. Just like in education, the more senses you engage the more points stick. They call it rich media for a reason! The experience is just better. If you have to wade through pages and pages of written content on your web site, you are simply not making it as easy as possible.

3) Put yourself in the user’s position. Shop online for a luxury car. The same way that choosing cosmetic surgery or cosmetic dentistry is a major upgrade-type purchase for a prospect, shop online for a luxury car. Shop for your major upgrade-type automobile. What do you see on those web sites? Does your web site offer the user this sort of experience? Now here is the kicker... Your web site users are probably looking at those higher end web sites, too.

4) If something inside you is telling you to add video, don’t ignore it. Video on the web has gone from “cool extra” to “expected” on quality web sites. Video is the richest media of all.

And, finally, 5) If your site was produced more than a few years ago, you need to ask some serious questions. Chiefly, is the site dated both in design and capability? Do you realize that your web site is often the first impression you and your practice gets to make?

You should review your web site at least once a year. If you are doing this, or if I have given you something to think about, I suggest you look around and give yourself an informed basis from which to form an opinion. And, of course, I recommend Dog Star Media for your next web site design.