Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Surprise for July... Lots of Interest in New Web Sites

Normally, in mid-July, I have to write my semi-annual blog about fighting through a slow time. Of all years, I expected to be writing it this summer. However, a pretty great trend is emerging in this summer of $4 gas, sliding stocks and pre-election jitters.

July has been filled with the most new web site requests that we have had all year. This goes not only for cosmetic dentist and cosmetic surgeons but in non-medical fields as well. How do I read this? People who are serious about sharpening their marketing want to do it with custom web sites.

I would like to say we anticipated this. The run usually comes each year in September and October. However, in a retooling of our custom web design offerings, we had added a new option: HTML web sites with Flash content. Basically, this is a site that allows for maximum keyword optimization for search engines and offers the elegant beauty of Flash. This Flash/HTML site offers the best of both worlds for SEO and for custom animated design.

If you want to be part of the wave this summer of those who are reworking their web strategies to feature a more competitive web site, please contact me today at donald@dogstarmedia.com.